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(What in the worrld-- ⬆⬆⬆)

Steele walked around the town alone. He was taken off the sleigh team and now had nothing better to do. His owner was disappointed in him and his pride slowly went down. " Not the same as before, huh. " He turned to see nothing there. He turned again saw Y/n, " Why keep denying yourself? " She said as she stepped closer towards him. "I don't know what your talking about. " He barked back. "When I'm gone, no one will be there for you. " She said before vanishing in front of him. He looked around.

"Steele? " He turned and Y/n stood there. "You alright? It's like you've seen a ghost. " She said walking to him. Steele stared at her. He step towards her, " Uhh Steele? " She said stepping back, but he continued to step closer. "Steele are you alright? " Y/n whispered out when her back hit the wall. Steele got so close their nose touched, he stared into her e/c eyes. His heart thumped in his chest, " Y/n...." He said deeply, sending shivers up Y/n spine. "You know... I'm not one to say things like this, but.... You make my heart beat fast. " Y/n eyes widened. "You make me do stupid things that even I know I wouldn't do. " Steele continued to stare, " What have you done to me. " He growled out.

Y/n stares back, soon started to rub against his fur, Steele relaxed and nuzzled against her too. "Be mine. " Y/n said, looking up at him, surprising Steele. " Stop flirting with Jenna, stop flirting with other dogs. You need to find someone who will stay by your side. Someone who will love you back. Like me. " She said as she stared deep into his eyes and stepped closer to him. Steele stared back in silence, she could wait.

Steele let out a sigh and smirked. "Alright." Y/n smiled widely and jumped on him, " Woah! " Y/n laughed. Steele stared at her and smiled, making Y/n stare at him, he frowned a little. "What? " Y/n smirked, "You were smiling. " "What? No I wasn't. " Steele said standing up and looking away. "Yes you did! " Y/n said laughing, " Well look who's laughing. " He said back smirking. Y/n gasped dramatically, " How dare you! " She said laughing again. She smirked smacked her tail in his face again, "Hey! " Y/n ran off, Steele smirked and started to chase after her.

"Is that... " Kaltag said as he watched Y/n laughing. "She's laughing again! " Dixie said excitedly. "Oh hey guys! " She said smiling. " Look at you! " Dixie said excitedly. She laughed again, " Thanks--oh shoot! " She started running again. "Get back here! " Steele said as he continued to chase her. He then tackled her, making her laugh. They heard a small yelp, they both looked to see Jenna and Balto next to each other covered in snow. They both shook it off the snow, " Look who got their dream man~" Balto said wiggling his brows, Y/n scoffed and swiped snow on him again. "Look who got their dream girl~" Y/n smirked back. Balto laughed a little. " Let's go Jenna." Balto said smiling, Jenna laugh and walked next to him.

Y/n looked back at Steele who was staring at Jenna. Y/n used her paws to make Steele look at her. Steele chuckled, " Feisty~ I like it~" Steele said smirking. Y/n smirked back and rolled her eyes. She then licked Steele's nose, surprising him. She smiled and stood up, looking at him before turning the corner. Steele followed behind, he turned the corner and continued to follow Y/n. She looked back at him and smiled, turning another corner. Steele turned the corner to see the abandoned shed again. She walked in, Steele followed, " What's happening in here--" He was cut off when he saw a table set up with dog treats and meat.

Steele raised a brow, " Where did the meat come from? " Y/n smirked, " I stole it from the butcher. " "Woah, didn't expect you to be the type. " Steele chuckled as he grabbed the sausages. "You don't know a lot about me." She said rolling her eyes. Steele wrapped the sausages around Y/n, yes he did the same with Jenna, but Y/n didn't pull away, she got closer. "Looks like someone got their confidence back~" She said, moving closer to him. "Hmm maybe~" He said smirking.

Time skip cause ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚~~

"Steele! " His owner called as he looked around the town. "Steele? " The owner peeked into the abandoned shed only to see Steele sleeping with another dog. "Huh.... " The owner stared for a while, before getting a thought and walking away.

Later during the day

Steele and Y/n were watching as the sleigh dogs came back. Steele let out a sigh, " You miss it? " He looked over a Y/n who went and sat next to him. "Yeah.... I did sabotage everything... " "Yep." "And I learned my lesson... " "Yep." "And my consequences... " "Yep." Steele looked at her. "But maybe all of this gave me something. " "Ye--wait huh? " Y/n looked at him. " I found someone. " Steele said as he licked her nose and face. Y/n smiled and rubbed herself against him. "Steele! Come here boy! " Called his owner, Steele looked at Y/n. "I gotta go. " Steele said, nuzzling her cheek before standing and jogging to his owner. Y/n smiled sadly, she turned and started walking. " You too girl! " Y/n ears raised up and she looked over to see Steele's owner, signaling her to come over. Steele smirked and sat down.

Y/n hesitated and slowly walked. "What's your name girl? " The owner said, he went to pet her, but she got spooked, Steele sensed it and went to protection mode. Steele jumped in front of Y/n and growled at him own owner. "Woah that's new... " His owner said, stepping back. "It's alright Steele, I'm just trying to get to know her. Maybe she can stay with us. " That's when Steele's ears went straight up and he got excited. His tail wagged and he started to bark happily.

He then tackled his owner, "Woah! Steele! Down boy, down! " He said as he laughed. Y/n smiled a little, she finally might get an owner.

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