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Y'all see the little boy in the background--oop--

"Bet I'll win. " Steele said puffing out his chest. "Not if you don't start! " Y/n said as she was already starting to run. Steele scoffed a little before running. Y/n laughed as she was up ahead, maneuvering through people's feet, when she suddenly bumped into someone again. "Sor--oh it's you. " She said backing up. "It's like we're meant to be! " Scott said as he gave her a flower he was holding. "For you love. " Y/n rolled her eyes. "No thanks. " Steele stopped next to her. "Dang you run fast. " Y/n laughed, " Looks like you should become a sleigh dog again if you wanna beat me. " Y/n said with a proud smirk. "Love who's this? " Scott said as he raised a brow and glared at Steele." First of all, don't call me that. Second this is Steele, the person I'm seeing. " Y/n said, trying to hold back her anger.

Steele glared back. " Steele this is Scott. Scott, Steele. " Y/n said before walking off to Jenna who was walking around. " Listen sleigh dog. I recommend that you back off, cause that dog is going to be mine. " Scott said growling at Steele. Steele snapped his jaw at him. "Excuse me? You should back off because unless you want things to get messy, I suggest you run back to your mom and dad and head back to the farm. " Steele said, spitting on him before walking off. Scott growled and ran in front of Steele. "Do you think I'll let you get away that easily!? " Scott growled again. Steele growled back, " Get out of my way farm boy. " "You wanna go ugly. " The started to growl at each other. The almost attacked each other, but there owners quickly grab their collars before they did.

Everyone stared as the watched Scott the new dog, fighting Steele the sled dog. "Down boy down! " Yelled Steele's owner, but Steele didn't listen. "Umm Y/n? " Jenna said as she looked at the scene. "What? " Y/n said, looking up and then looked over to see what was happening. Her eyes widened, "Oh my... " Y/n ran over to the fight, " Steele calm down! " Y/n said in panic, Steele continued to bark and wanting to attack. Y/n licked the side of his face and nuzzled his fur. Steele stopped and stopped growling, Steele sat down and his owner slowly let go. Scott on the other hand still wanted to fight. Y/n pushed Steele to lay down and she placed a her head on his, Steele huffed.

Honestly everyone was surprised on how he reacted. "Well what do you know... " His owner said crossing his arms. The other dogs jaws had dropped, " Well what do you know... " Balto said as he stood next to Jenna. "Yes, I wasn't expecting that... " The crowd whispered among each other as the saw the scene. Scott's owner accidentally let go of him and Scott went for the Attack, only stopping when Y/n stood in front of Steele and ready to attack Scott. " Step closer and you'll get more scars then what you already have! " She snapped back at Scott who looked back at her and smirked. "Feisty~ I like it~! " That triggered Steele again. Steele quickly stood, but stopped when Y/n blocked him again. "No Steele. Let's go. " She said as she pushed Steele away. "See you later love! " Scott yelled, only to get a bunch of snow to his face.

"Never seen you that mad, other then when you fought Balto at the mountain. " Steele froze and looked at her. "What? " "How did you know that?" "Just a vision. " "Vision? " "Yup." Y/n walked ahead. "But yeah never seen you like that before. " Steele growled, " Well he wanted to fight.... Plus he was stealing the..... " Steele mumbled the last part, " Steele, speak louder. " Y/n said turning and looking at him. "He's trying to steal the one I..... " He mumbled the last part again. "Steele." "Trying to steal the one I love! " He said as he rolled his eyes and walked ahead with his head up and proud. Y/n froze. "Love? " Steele rolled his eyes, but smirked a little. "Maybe." He said smirking more. "What you said you love me! " She said running to Steele and walking next to him. " Did I? " He said with a bigger smirk. Y/n laughed a little and nudged Steele a little. "Love you too. " Y/n said with a smirk and walking ahead. Steele was frozen in place.

Steele's heart beated fast." Wow.... "

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