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Pew pew--

"Y/nnnnnnn!!" Y/n turned to see Dixie and Sylvie walking to her. "What is it? Did somedog get in a fight? " She said fully turning. " No. When are we girls gonna have a girl night again?! " Dixie exclaimed, jumping a little. "Gee.... I really don't know... " Y/n said looking away a little. "Come on, plus, we get to spend the night away from the boys. " Sylvie said with a smirk. "Alright." Y/n said laughing a little as Dixie cheered, " Great! I'll get Jenna to come too! " Dixie said as she rushed off, Sylvie rolled her eyes. "How's it going Sylvie, found somedog yet? " "Nope." She said, popping out the p. "Maybe you find somedog soon! " Y/n said giving her a smile. " Im not sure--woaaah. " Sylvie jaw dropped. "Sylvie? Are you alright. " Y/n looked over and her jaw dropped. "Woaaah who's that handsome--" Y/n watched as the German Shepherd walked there way (lol just go with it) " Hola hermosas~ I was looking for the sled shop. " He said as he got closer, showing his confidence. Sylvie and Y/n giggled, " Yah know, Sylvie here can show you~" Y/n said nudging her. " I can? " "Yes! " She quickly shoved Sylvie against the German Shepherd, " The names Bruce, hermosa. " Sylvie smiled," Alright handsome let's go. " Sylvie said walking away. Y/n giggled, she turned and bumped into Steele. "Oh, hey Steele. " Y/n said walking around him. " What was that? " He asked as he followed behind. Y/n looked back, " What do you mean? " Steele walked towards her.

"You giggle

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"You giggle. That's what I mean. " He said walking beside her. "Steele, your the only one I like. " Y/n said rolling her eyes. "Like? I thought you loved me. " Steele said walking closer to her. "Steele, are you that jealous. " She said stopping and looking at him. He huffed, " Maybe. " Y/n laughed a little, I can't believe it. The famous sled dog, jealous. " Y/n said walking ahead. Steele rolled his eyes and growled a little. "Me and the girls are having a girls night today, so don't wait for me. "  Steele huffed again, "I was hoping we could.....what's the word.... Cuddle? " Y/n laughed, " Wow Steele, are you starting to open up more!? " She said as she looked at him. Steele scoffed, " What? Of course not! " He said puffing out his chest.

Dixie, Sylvie, and Jenna walked over. "Let's go N/n." "Ima head out Steele! Cya! " Y/n turned and walked with the girls. Steele watched as the walked away, he turned only to be face by Scott. Steele growled," What now mutt face. " Steele said as he walked by him. Scott scoffed, " Excuse me, I wasn't here for you, Im here for the most beautiful dog there is to exist!" Scott said with passion as he puffed out his chest. Steele growled," You get near her and I'll bite your face off." He said showing his teeth and growling. Scott rolled his eyes.

Time skip.

"Omg! Did you see that new dog!? " Dixie said excitedly as she mentioned the German Shepherd. "Righht!? I got Sylvie to take him to the sled shop. " Y/n said wiggling her eyebrows, Sylvie rolled her eyes. " Not going to lie, he is handsome. " The others gasp. "Jenna! I didn't expect that from you! " Dixie exclaimed, " What? I'm loyal, but I'll still keep an eye out. " She said with a smirk. "Still, you shouldn't be impressed, we should be impressed by Y/n! " Jenna said looking at her and nudging her. The rest nodded, only to get a confused look from Y/n." What do you mean? " "N/n, have you seen Steele now!? He's completely changed! " Y/n laughed a little, " Still has some of the old Steele in him." She said rolling her eyes.

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