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(Photos from Pinterest, Credits to owner!)

Steele was the second one across the finish line, Balto being first, and Y/n being third. "Hmm." "Wow, not even a 'congratulation honey!' I almost beat you and you know it. Steele raised a brow and looked the other way, " Honey, now that's new. " Y/n tried to hold back her laugh as he heard his words, trying to look and sound mad. "Woooow." She said as she rolled her eyes and walked ahead. "Great job N/n! " Balto said as he walked next to Y/n." Thank you, at least someone said something. " She said loudly as they walked past Steele who only growled.

Later during the day Steele walks up to Y/n, only for her to look away from him, making him raise a brow. "Are you ignoring me? " He said standing closer to her. Y/n continued to stay silent, walking ahead. Steele growled to himself as she walked away, only to quickly turn when he heard a chuckle behind him. Steele quickly turned and saw Scott walk towards him with a smirk. Steele growled once again, " What do you want!? " He said angrily. Scott's smirk widened more, raising a brow upward. Steele understood the message, "WHY YOU--" He let out a loud harsh and bark, about to attack, only for Y/n to stand in front of him suddenly.

"Walk Steele. " He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by her again. "Walk Steele. " A small feeling of fear came over him, but he covered it up with a huff and an angry look on his face. He then walked away, Y/n walking behind. Soon they reached a secluded (I think that's right lol), " You can't keep starting fights Steele! At some point you'll earn the consequences of your actions!! " Y/n said, standing in front of him, with a sad and mad tone in her voice. Steele only huffed in return, " He gets on my nerves. " "Well then ignore him! " Steele continued to look at the ground. Y/n let out a sigh, " I'm going to go rest... " And with that, she walked off, leaving Steele alone with his thoughts.

Next Day

"Top few dogs were chosen to pick up medication. " Steele's owner spoke to the other humans. Most dogs ears perked up at the news. Steele rushed to his owner after hearing the news, puffing his chest out and waiting for his gear. "Sorry boy, you won't be going on this one, not after what happened, but she will. " He said, signalling towards Y/n, who had an excited yet nervous look, but barked happily at the owner in response, earning a chuckle from him.

Soon the owners lined up all the dogs, Y/n in the front, behind Balto, who gave her a comforting smile. Scott next to her, giving her lovey dovey eyes, only to get an eye roll and snow in his face. Steele glared at Scott before finally looking at Y/n." I don't want you to go. " Y/n still a little mad at him glared. " Steele. I chose to be here and you trained me, so that means your allowing me to be here. Plus your not my dad. " She said, mentally chuckling to herself at what she said lastly. Steele got extremely close to her, not caring about the others, their noses almost touching. "I don't want you to get hurt. I care about you." He said, staring deeply into her eyes. Her eyes shined brightly, giving him a small smile. " Don't worry love, I'll be fine. " Steele's heart skipped a beat at the nickname she gave him.

Steele let out a sigh. "Alright.... Be safe out there. I want you back in one piece. " Y/n rolled her eyes, " What could possibly happen that would make me only return as half a dog? " Y/n said, laughing a little, earning a eye roll from her lover. "Whatever.... " Steele said angrily turning away. "Just come back to me.... " He whispered, his head turned towards her direction, before he walked off. With that, the sled dogs started to mush away, into the winters abyss.

It took a few days for them to finally reach the station with the medication. They all took a small break, knowing that it was going to take the same amount to go back. Once they had taken their break and the medication was secured, they got ready and mushed off. Though trouble was on there way.

A roar was heard, they all looked over and the owner let out a shout of commands towards the dogs, only to be then hit and knocked out. "Not him again!! " Y/n yelled as they all dodged the claws of the beast. Balto quickly looked around, noticing the edge. "There, we have to push off the bear! " He said quickly. "Shouldn't we run!? " Scott said in panic. "We can't just leave Steele's owner here! " Y/n growled out." But we can't let the beat break the medication! " Star said in more panic as they all dodged another attack. "Then well do all of them! " Balto said as he then turned, leading the others toward the bear, headbutting the bear each time, leading the bear closer to the edge.

Y/n soon realized they would not be able to push the bear off the edge without falling with the bear. "We can't push it off! We'll fall with it! " Y/n said quickly. The bear regained it's balance and went to break the medication. Y/n acted quickly. She removed herself from the ropes. "Y/n what are you doing!? " They all screamed in panic as she ran towards the bear at full speed. She jump, using herself as enough force to push the bear off the edge of the cliff, her falling with it. "Y/N!! " They all rushed towards the edge and watched in horror as she fell, vanishing into the blizzard that was down below. Everyone's ears flattened against there heads. " She saved us.... " The Steele's owner slowly woke up, sitting up in the snow, rubbing his head. The sound of whimpers woke him up.  He looked at the group of dogs, noticing the female missing. "Where's Y/n? " The dogs only whimpered more, Balto nudging his head towards the edge. Steele's owner's eyes widened. "Oh no..... "

"Steele!! " Balto said rushing towards him, along with the other sled dogs. Steele looked up and glared at Balto. "What do you want? " Steele's eyes scanned for Y/n, only for it to be empty. "Y/n gone... " Steele's eyes widened, " What!? " Before Balto could respond again, Steele rushed past them, running the same direction they came from. Only for his owner to grab his collar, pulling him back. "Easy boy. There's no use. She's gone. " Steele continued to struggle, but soon was picked him up, carrying him back home.

Steele curled up near the fireplace, trying to gather warmth, but all he felt was cold. Hoping that you would come and huddle with him, but it never happened. The group would come and tried to get him out of the house, only for Steele to either snap at them or turn his head the opposite direction.

Someone commented about what happened with this chapter was--you see what happened was-- I accidentally publised this, but I wasn't finished and it was the middle of the night. So I quickly unpublished it before the rest of you were able to read it. Sorry for that, but hey! I finally published! This was actually going to be a different, but I was like. Let me not.

Also...im also writing ANOTHER story. I know, y'all are probably like. "Are you serious Author--" And I'm like.... "Yes... Yes indeed. "

Anyway thank you for your support! Have an amazing summer!! Bye💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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