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(If I was in Balto lolol ⬆⬆ the fur is darker then Jenna's)

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(If I was in Balto lolol ⬆⬆ the fur is darker then Jenna's)

Steele growled as he laid over Y/n." Steele.... I'm just trying to get to know Y/n..." Steele's owner said as he once again reached towards her, only for Steele to growl. "Steele I'm alright, if he pets me then I'll face my fears. " Y/n said as she stood up. Steele groaned, " Fine. " He said as he sat down and looked away. "Oh don't be such a baby Steele. " Y/n said as she then looked at the human and barked. The human smiled and reached down slowly. Y/n moved her head down a little, but continued to try to let the human pet her.

Soon the human's hand made contact with Y/n head, making her tail wag. She rubbed her head against his palm before pulling away. She then walked over to Steele and licked the side of his face, making him roll his eyes. Y/n hugged a little, " Don't come to me when you looking for some kindness and love. " She let huffed out, a little playfulness in her voice before she went outside of the house and into the busy street. She continued her little walk till she bumped into another dog. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! " Y/n said, shaking a little before looking up to see the dog.

"It's alright beautiful~ The names Scott~" He said getting close to Y/n's face. "Umm Scott, can you umm... Back up... " Y/n said uncomfortable as she moved back. Scott shook his head, " Sorry, I was captivated by your beauty, it lured me in. " He said moving back. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to take you to dinner. " "Um sorry but I'm already dating someone, but it was nice of you... " Y/n chuckled nervously. She quickly turned, only to be blocked by Scott again, " Come on, it wouldn't hurt to not be loyal~" Y/n scoffed, " How dare you! " Y/n growled out, shoving snow to his face and passing him.

"W-wait--" "Bro I wouldn't do that. First Jenna and now Y/n, those are your two big mistakes. " Scott turned and saw three dogs the hasn't met before. "Her name is Y/n? " Scott said smirking a little, his tail wagging. "Yeah, but that's Steele's girl, I wouldn't try anything. " Scott scoffed and smirked, " That won't stop me. " Scott said proudly. "If I can't get Jenna, I'll get Y/n! " He said laughing a little. " Yeah that ain't happening. " Said one of the said, nodding rapidly, " You said it. " Said another nodding with him. The other rolled his eyes a little. "Steele wanted Jenna too, but that didn't stop Balto, and Balto in the end got the girl. And if I were you, I wouldn't mess with either. The names Nikki. " Said the brown colored dog as he stepped up. "I'm Star! " " And I'm Kaltag. " He said as he pushed Star aside. " I'm Scott! " He said proudly, puffing out his chest.

Scott looked over and saw Jenna walking with another dog. Scott smirkes jogs over to Jenna. "This ain't gonna be good.... " Whispered Nikki to the two other dogs. "Hey Jenna! " Jenna jumped a little and looked over. "Oh hey Scott.... " Jenna said, laughing nervously as she glanced at Balto. Balto got in between the two. " Excuse me, but I would suggest you back off my girl before things get bad. " Balto said growling at Scott, " And who are you? " "The names Balto, half dog, half wolf. " Scott froze, oh he don't mess with wolves. Scott chuckled nervously as he walked backwards before running back to the three dogs. "Oi I don't mess with wolves. " Scott said as he sat down. "Looks like I'm going after Y/n~" He said smirking. He looked around and saw Y/n talking to two other dogs.

Scott walked over, " Hello ladies~  Hello Y/n~ " He said as he moved his face close to hers, making her uncomfortable and move back. "Um hi... " Dixie glared at the man. "Listen here boy. Scramble back to your owner before you get hurt. " She barked out. " And what are you going to do pipsqueak!? " Y/n growled, " Watch yourself, you don't want to make enemies with the wrong people. " She snarled out, growling and showing her teeth. "Don't worry, I'm just here for you baby~" Y/n rolled her eyes and started walking away. "See yah later girls. " She said before jogging up to Steele's house.

Y/n peeked into the house. She wasn't sure if she could walk in and she didn't know if she was allowed to go in. When she peeked in and saw Steele laying on the ground with a small look of sad. "Someone misses me~" Y/n smirked as she sat down. Steele rolled his eyes and grumbled something. "What was that? Didn't hear you. " Steele groaned and looked at her." Yes I do. " He barked out before laying his head back down. "Awww~" Y/n smirked. She hesitated to walk in, but she did, going towards Steele and laying onto of him. Y/n laughed a little and Steele rolled his eyes. Steele then closed his eyes and fell asleep. Y/n continued to stay awake, looking around at the house. The owner walks out of the room and see Y/n and a sleeping Steele.

The owner smiled and pat Y/n's head. The owner then walked out of the house and Y/n smiled a little. She laid her head on top of Steele and started to fall asleep. The next day Y/n woke up and saw a blanket around them. "Steele." Steele hummed, still with his eyes closed. "Steele, it's time to wake up. " She said again as she got off of Steele. Steele groaned, opened his eyes,  and stared at Y/n." What? " Y/n said, looking over at him. " I don't mind waking up to this. " He said with a smirking, making Y/n roll her eyes. "Whatever, get up! We're going running! " Steele's head shot up, " Running? " "Yup." Y/n said as she walked out of the house.

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