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"Hello Y/n~" Y/n growled and rolled her eyes. " Just leave me alone Scott. " Y/n said as she continued to walk ahead. "Oh come on Baby~" Y/n made a disgusted and uncomfortable face. "Move aside Farm boy. " Steele growled out as he shoved him aside and presses himself against Y/n side. Y/n calmed down, " Excuse you play boy! " Steele ears raised and his head quickly turned, letting out a growl. "You wanna go!? " "Gentlemen, Gentlemen! No need to fight in front of the señorita! " Said the German Shepherd walking to them. Steele and Scott glared at him. "Oh Hello! " Y/n said, smiling a little. "Hello senorita. Are the Gentlemen bothering you? " "One is. " "Which one? " "That dog right there. " She said as she nudged her head towards Scott's direction, him making a shocked face as Steele smirked. The German Shepherd turned and puffed out his chest towards Scott with a serious look. "Sir,  going to need you to step away from the couple. " He said growling a little. "Wha--" "Step back and walk away please. Before things get rough. " He growled the last part harshly. Scott glared before walking away.  "Thank you! " Y/n said as she got close to Steele. "No problem! I'll be on my way now. " He said as he walked away.

"So, Steele, what do you want to do? " Y/  n said as they walked side by side. Steele licked his teeth/snout, " I don't know, you tell me~" He said with a smirk.

Y/n smacked his face with her tail, making him growl

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Y/n smacked his face with her tail, making him growl. " No. " She said as she walked ahead, Steele rolled his eyes and catches up to her. "Well then, maybe we could go on a run? " Steele said as he walked. " How about trying to join the sled dogs? " Y/n said with a smirk. Steele froze, soon laughing, " Your kidding right? " He said, but soon turned serious when she had a serious look. " What!? After what I did!? No. " "I'm even surprised your saying no because of what you did. " Steele rolled his eyes and he got really close to his face, their nose almost touched, " You changed me. " Y/n smiled, " That's good. " She said as she pulled away, making him growl a little. "Plus, what if I wanted to join the sled team? " She said with a smirk as she looked over at him. " His eyes widened, he then smirked and laughed. "You? On the sled dog team? " He laughed again. "You won't even be able to survive. " She glared at him. "Are you saying that I'm not strong enough!? " Y/n said, growling at him. " I'm not saying that it's just that I don't think that your going to survive. " Y/n glared at him again. " You are saying I'm not strong enough. " " I am not! " Steele growled back. "Then what are you trying to say!? " She growled back, both showing there teeth at each other. " I'm scared and worried about you okay!? " Steele yelled out, sitting on the ground and looking away. Y/n froze and sat on the ground, surprised look on her face.

"I'm worried that you'll get hurt and that you will get lost. " "Steele, there's a side to me that you don't know of... " Y/n said looking away. Steele let out a sigh and huff, " Y/n I already know, and I know you don't expect me too, but I love you even if you are half wolf. " Y/n swung her head, wide eyed. "But you hate wolves! " She said standing. "You changed me! Plus I hate other wolves. " Steele said smirking and rolling his eyes. Y/n smiled softly, soon nuzzling his fur. " Thank you Steele. " Steele puffed out his chest with a smirk, making Y/n laugh. "I'm still joining! " Steele let out a sigh and a eye roll. "Fine... If you can get in! " He said as he walked ahead. "I'll get in! You can train me! I mean, you were top dog! Plus I can be the first female dog to participate! " (I'm actually not sure if female dogs do sled, I don't think so, but if they do, I'm sorry. Please go with it!) Y/n said excitedly, Steele laughed a little. "Well.... " "Steele come on! I'll cuddle with you. " Steele scoffed, " I don't need cuddling! " He said puffing his chest out. "Im a lone dog! I can handle it! " He said walking ahead. "Alright, but don't come to me when you want to~! " Y/n said with a smirk as she started to run ahead. Steele growled a little and chased behind her.

Time skip.

Steele and Y/n laid in front of the fireplace, but not close together as usual. Y/n was calmly sleeping as Steele stayed awake. He looked over at her and whimpered a little, he usually wasn't the type, but he started to reject his decisions. He started to whimper a little louder, making Y/n wake up, " You alright Steele? " She whispered as she looked at him. "I'll help you. " He said, Y/n smirked, " I thought you were all tough. " She said laughing a little, Steele's ears flattened against his head. "What's the magic word~" She said, her smirk widening. Steele mumbled something, " What was that? " "Please.... " Y/n smirked, she stood up and laid ontop of him. "Better? " Steele nodded and closed his eyes. They soon slipped into dream land. The next day, Steele woke up to be alone. He looked around to see the door opened. He looked to see Y/n running back and forth, Steele raised a brow," What are you doing? " "Doing a small jog. " She said smiling a little as she continued. Steele gave a even more confused look, " Alright, whatever. " He was about to walk inside when he was stopped, " Nuh uh mister, you promised. " Steele let out another sigh. " Fine. Let's get going. " He said walking past her. Y/n smiled brightly and followed behind him excitedly.

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