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It's been days and Y/n continued to be in a coma, Steele never leaving her side. One day, Steele laid on the ground, trying to get some sleep from all the other days when the line suddenly went dead, making a long beep sound. Steele quickly looked at the monitor, barking rapidly, trying to get the doctor's attention. Steele's owner and the doctor ran in. The doctor quickly started to do CPR as Steele was held back.

(Pov changed sorry)

(VERY) Bad Ending:

The line continued to go dead and the doctor pulled away. He looked at Steele's owner, shaking his head. Steele's owner looked down and Steele's eyes widened. "No no no no! Please! I just got you back! I can't loose you! " He said as he rushed to your body. The doctor placed your body on the ground, walking towards Steele's owner, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's let him say goodbye... " He said walking out.

Balto and Jenna quickly stood up, watching as the two men walked by towards Jenna's owners. " Is she alright? " The doctor let out a sigh." She sadly has passed... I did everything I could..." He said, walking away with his head down. Jenna and Balto's eyes widened, " I didn't make it in time... If I did she would be here-- It's all my fault I should have--" " Balto! This isn't your fault! You did what you could! You saved her and brought her back! " Jenna said calmly to him, " That's the thing! I didn't save her! " Tears fell down his face, " She was like a sibling to me! " Balto sank to the floor. Jenna comforted him as tears of her own fell down her face. Boris petted Balto's fur as his own tears escaped.

Steele walked out of the room. "I'm sorry for your loss Steele... " Jenna whispered, not looking at him. Steele froze, he didn't say or look at her, just stood there. His eyes extremely red, he stayed silent, soon walking out. Days soon passed and he only stayed quiet, laying next to the fireplace. One day, Steele's owner went to try to eat his food. Steele looked like a dog skeleton, nothing would get him to eat. "Hey boy, it's time to eat... " His owner said, shaking him.

No response.

His eyes widened, " Steele...? Come on... Don't mess with me..." His eyes watered. He was gone. "Come on... Not you too.... He said as the tears fell down his face, resting it on his left over fur.

Steele woke up, everything was dark. He looked around, " Hello? " He called out. "Hey." His ears perked up at the familiar voice, making him quickly turn towards it. Y/n stood there, giving him a sweet smile. Steele's eyes watered with happiness as he ran towards her. They rubbed their furs together, " I love you. " Steele said, making their noses touch, " I love you too Steele. " They both soon pulled away, " Come on, let's go." She said smiling as she took a few steps forward. "Go where? " He said confused. "Home." She said looking at him, waiting. Suddenly a door opened in the distance. Steele then walked next to her. As they both walked, memories started to float around them, they both watched and laughed a little at a few.

Finally they both reached the door that was opened. Steele and Y/n both let out a sigh, " You know... I'm going to miss them too. " She said with a sad smile, watching the memories continue to float. Steele sadly smiled. "Yeah... " " Well, are you ready? " She said, wiping the small tears with her paw that fell down both their faces." I'm ready... I'll always be ready, as long as I'm with you. " He said, staring at her lovingly, she stared back at him the same way with a smile.

They both soon walked through the door.

Good Ending:

You gasped awake, looking around paranoid. Steele quickly rushed to you, slipping out of his owners grip. "I thought I lost you! " He said as tears ran down his face. You looked at him and smiled, " I would always be with you love. " You said as you kissed his nose. Steele looked at you with love in his eyes, you looked back the same way. The two men left, giving you and Steele privacy. "I love you. " Steele said, making you smile even more. "I love you too. "

You and Steele walked out of the room and Jenna and Balto ran to you. "Your alive! " Balto said as they both hugged you (just go with it all pls) You let out a small laugh, " Of course I would be! Why wouldn't I? " You said, making him shake his head with a small smile. He then whacked your head, making you groan. Steele let out a small growl when he did. " What was that for!? " You said as you rubbed your head. "Don't go and sacrifice yourself like that ever again! " He said angrily, Jenna giggled softly, " Relax Balto, I'm sure after all of this, Steele won't be leaving her side anytime soon. " She said looking at him. Steele chuckled a bit, " Heck yeah I won't. She's stuck with me now. " You laughed, rolling your eyes. "Y/nnnnn!! " Boris screeched as swooped down, giving you a big, tight hug. "Hey Boris! I missed you too! " You said smiling more. He placed a whole bunch of kisses on your face, before pulling away and bonking your head." Ouch! What was that for!? " "Never go sacrifice yourself again! " You all stayed silent before letting out a string of laughter. "What? Did I say something funny!? "

Few Years later

Boris flew fast over the snow, flapping heavily, trying to find a specific dog. " Steele! " The husky quickly turned to Boris "It happened! " Steele's eyes widened with running away from the group of dogs. He ran as fast as he could to his home.

The door was open and he accidentally hit his body with the fence trying to turn, scaring Y/n. She looked at the door that was cracked open, seeing Steele panting heavily. "You scared me! " " Sorry love. " He said as he walked to her. Steele said walking to her with a smile on his face.

"I can't wait to watch the grow together

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"I can't wait to watch the grow together. " Steele said, as he placed his nose against hers. Y/n smiled, " Me either. "

"I love you."

"I love you too. "

Well, that's the end folks! I decided to end the book her because I knew that if I continued to write more I wouldn't publish in months and so on! My pinky and ring finger fell asleep in the process of this! If I do write a second story I'm planning on calling it "To Healing" Which will be more of the puppies growing up and a romance also happening in it. Well I hoped you enjoyed the story and of you did please make sure to leave comments about the book, but please no hate! Also if you do want a second book, like I explained, please make sure to comment too. I love you all! Thank you for reading and making it this far!

Love you all! 💜💜💜💜 Kisses to all💜💜💜

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