Jumping the Rope

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Paul and George were setting up a rope.

"What are you doing, Paul?" said Ringo.

"Oh, Ringo, I'm setting up a game for me and George" said Paul.

"How does it work?" said John.

"Well, John, I wiggle this end of the rope and George has to jump over it without touching it" Paul explained.

"Like this" said George.

Paul wiggled the rope and George jumped over it.

"Wow! Can I try?" said John.

"Of course, Lennon" said Paul.

John jumped over the rope.

"Gear!" he said.

"Hey, Ringo. Why don't you take this end of the rope and we'll see if all three of us can jump it at the same time" said George.

"Sounds fun" said Ringo.

Ringo wiggled the rope and all three of the remaining lads jumped it perfectly.

"That was fun" said George.

"Yeah. Oh! There are the Warriors! Why don't you come on over and jump some rope, kiddos?" said Paul.

The kids hurried over and jumped the rope one at a time.

"Great!" said Calvin.

"Cool!" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah!" Meg cheered.

"And it's good exercise" Sam said.

"Paul, that was the best exercise we've ever had" the Warriors said in unison.

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