Dorothy's Ballet

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Dorothy the Dinosaur was dancing just when the kids came in.

"Dorothy! You got on your tutu, your beautiful tutu and your slippers. You must be practicing a ballet dance" Sam said.

"Yes I am. This ballet is a story ballet" said Dorothy.

"Like The Nutcracker?" said Charles Wallace.

"Exactly, Charles. This one tells the story of a bird" said Dorothy.

"Wow! Can we join you?" said Meg.

"Of course!" said Dorothy.

"What do we need to do?" said Calvin.

"You just need to do what I do" said Dorothy.

The kids danced ballet and told the story with Dorothy.

This is the story of a bird. She was flying on a sunny day

Then one day, she sat on a branch

a wind began to blow and the little bird was frightened

It began to sprinkle with rain

The rain got heavier and the bird flew into a tree to take shelter from the storm

But at last the rain stopped and the sun came out and the bird flew away

And that was where the dance ended.

"Dorothy, that was a beautiful dance. Thanks for sharing that with us. You danced beautifully and told the story very clearly" said Calvin.

"Thanks, Calvin. So did you Warriors" said Dorothy.

"Well, you too can use ballet to tell a story at home" said Meg to you guys.

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