Ringo's Box of Letters

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"Look, everyone! It's our friend Ringo! Let's all say hi to Ringo" said Calvin.

"Hi, Ringo!" the kids said in unison.

"Hi, everybody" said Ringo.

"Whatcha got in the box, Ringo?" said Calvin.

"I've got letters, Calvin. Lots and lots of letters. Here's the first letter. That's for you" said Ringo.

"It's the letter C. and that stands for Calvin" said Meg.

"And Ringo already has his letter. R for Ringo" Sam said.

"And here's the letter M. That's my initial. M for Meg" said Meg.

"There's also a letter for you, Sam" said Ringo.

"It's the letter S. S for Sam" said Sam.

"I found my initial. Ch. That's the first part of my name. Ch for Charles" said Charles Wallace.

The other Beatles came over.

"Hey, mates" said John. 

"Why are you wearing a letter M, Meg?" said Paul.

"Ringo is handing out the first letters in our names. And M is for Meg" said Meg.

"Wow! Is there a letter P for Paul?" said Paul.

"Yes there is" said Ringo.

"Thanks, Ringo" said Paul.

"Is there a letter G? G for George?" said George.

"Of course there is" said Ringo.

"And finally, your letter, John" said Calvin.

"The letter J is for John. I like that" said John.

"Now we're all wearing the first letters in our name" said Meg.

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