The Wiggles' Smelling Game

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"The Wiggles! What have you guys got in those containers?" said Calvin.

"All sorts of things, Calvin. They're for a game" said Anthony.

"Yeah. You have to guess what's in each one just by smelling" said Greg.

"Can't you tell by looking?" Sam said.

"That's the game, Sam. You have to close your eyes and tell what it is by the smell" said Jeff.

"And no peeping" said Murray.

"Close your eyes, Meg" said Jeff.

Meg closed her eyes and took a container.

"What have you got?" said Greg.

"I think I know what it is" said Meg.

She smelled the container again.

"I think it's an onion. It IS an onion" she squealed.

"Nice! Well, it's my turn now. Close my eyes" said Calvin.

Anthony gave Calvin his container and Calvin smelled it.

"Smell. Familiar smell. Oh... sweet smell. Bouquet, lovely... it smells like... soap" said Calvin.

He opened his eyes to look.

"It IS soap! Yes!" he cheered.

"Ha ha! Your turn, Sam" said Murray.

"Great" Sam said.

She closed her eyes and smelled her container.

"Yes, I'm smelling it. It smells... tangy. I think it's... oh. It's some sort of fruit I think. I think it's... oranges" Sam said.

She looked.

"It is! It's orange!" Sam cheered.

"Yeah, Sam!" Meg said with a smile.

"Your turn, Charles" said Greg.

Charles Wallace smelled the last container.

"It smells very nice. Ooh, a rather floral smell. I've smelled these in the garden. I think I know. It's... rose petals?" said Charles Wallace.

He looked.

"Yeah!" he squealed.

"Hey. I can smell something else" said Calvin.

"What is it?" Sam said.

"It smells like... rosy tea" said Calvin.

"You're right, Calvin! Dorothy brought us a fresh pot. Come on, everyone" said Anthony.

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