Musical Cushions Game

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Paul was putting cushions on the grass.

"One... two... now where shall I put number three?" he said.

The kids came over and introduced themselves.

"Hi, everybody!" said Meg.

"We're the Warriors" they said in unison.

"I'm Calvin"

"I'm Meg"

"I'm Sam"

"I'm Charles Wallace"

"And I'm Paul" said Paul.

"Paul, what are the cushions for?" said Meg.

"Oh, Meg, I thought we'd play a game of musical cushions. That's when you play music and then you hop, skip or jump around the cushions until the music stops" said Paul.

"And then you find a cushion to sit on?" said Calvin.

"That's right, Calvin" said Paul.

"It kind of sounds like the game musical chairs except you have cushions instead" said Charles Wallace.

"It is indeed. Meg, you can sing" said Paul.

"I'd love to, Paul. But one question. If there are four of you playing, why are there only three cushions?" said Meg.

"Only the three fastest get to sit on a cushion" said Paul.

"Oh I see" said Meg.

"Ready, everyone? Let's start. Hopping first" said Paul.

Meg sang and everyone else hopped on one foot around the cushions.

When the music starts, everybody hop

Hoppity hoppity hop

Others: Hoppity hoppity hop

Meg: We know you love to hop

Others: Yes we love to hop

Meg: The hop's about to stop

When the music stops

And everyone found a cushion to sit on except Calvin.

"Aw, gee! I missed out on a cushion" said Calvin.

"That's alright, Calvin. We'll play it again and this time we'll skip" said Paul.

The others stood up.

"Ready?" said Paul.

Meg: Everybody skip, everybody skip

Skippety skippety skip

Others: Skippety skippety skip

Meg: We know you love to skip

Others: Yes we love to skip

Meg: The skip's about to stop

When the music stops

Sam missed out that time.

"Ha ha! I wasn't fast enough that time" she said.

"Never mind, Sam. We'll play it again and this time we'll jump" said Paul.

When no one was looking...

"This time, everybody, I'm gonna play a trick on Paul and the Warriors. Watch this" said Meg to you guys.

She hid a cushion behind her back.

"Okay. Time for jumping. Ready?" said Paul.

Meg: Everybody jump, yes everybody jump

Jumpety jumpety jump

Others: Jumpety jumpety jump

Meg: We know you love to jump

Others: Yes we love to jump

Meg: The jump's about to stop

When the music stops

This time both Paul and Sam weren't fast enough.

"Two of us missed out that time. How did that happen?" Sam said.

"Well, Sam, you have to use your eyes as well as your ears. I hid one of the cushions" Meg joked.

"Ha ha ha! Funny! That's our Meggie!" said Sam.

"Wha wha wha whaaaaaaaaa!" Paul and the kids sang in unison.

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