Blue, Stripes, Yellow, Spots

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The lads were patterning flags.

"Okay. So we have a blue flag" said John.

"A yellow one with blue stripes" said Paul.

"A plain yellow one" said George.

"And a blue one with yellow spots. So which one goes next?" said Ringo.

"Hmm? Oh! You think the next flag should be the blue one" said Paul. 

"You're right! The blue one came first so the blue one comes after the end of this row" said Ringo.

"So what comes second in the pattern?" said George.

"Do you know?" said John.

"Lads, I think they're saying the striped one comes next" said Ringo.

"Right. The striped flag goes right after the blue one" said George.

"Do you remember what comes after the stripey one?" said Paul.

"Uh-huh? Uh-huh... you're right! The yellow one!" said John.

"And of course, the spotted one goes last" said Ringo.

"Thanks for helping us put together this flag pattern, everyone" said George.

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