Calvin Hides a Book

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Calvin was getting ready to play a game.

He was to take Meg's book on microscopes and hide it for the other kids to find it.

When the others came in...

"Hey. Has anyone seen the book I was reading? It was my favorite book about microscopes and I'm sure I left it around here. But it's not here now" said Meg.

"Meg, I've hidden it. And you all have to play a game to find it" said Calvin.

"Games? I LOVE games! How do we play?" Sam said.

"Okay. Here's how it works. You all have to look for the book. When you get close to it, I'll say warm. If you're closer, I'll say warmer. When you're really close I'll say warmer. If you're away from the book, I'll say cold. When you're further, I'll say colder. If you're nowhere near the book, I'll say coldest" said Calvin.

"Cold" said Meg.

"Colder" said Sam.

"Coldest. Warm" said Charles Wallace.

"Warmer" Sam said.

"Warmest! Got it, Cal" said Meg.

The kids started looking.

"I have an idea. I'm gonna look under the table" said Meg.

"Cold" said Calvin.

"Is it behind the table?" said Charles Wallace.

"Hmm. Colder" said Calvin.

"I'm gonna look behind here" said Sam looking behind the bookshelf.

"Coldest" said Calvin.

"Well, if it's not under the table or behind the table... it must be on the table" said Meg.

"Warm!" said Calvin.

"Meg?" said Sam.

"Yes, Sam"

"What was your book about?"

"It's a book about microscopes, Sam" said Meg.

Sam looked at a pile of books on the table.

"Warmer" said Calvin.

Sam found the microscope book.

"Warmest!" said Calvin.

"Here's your book, Meg. It was here all the time. Good hiding, Calvin" Sam said.

"Thank you, Sam" said Calvin.

"Cold, colder, coldest. Warm, warmer, warmest. I wonder if there's any other words like that" said Meg. 

"Ah, there's sleepy, sleepier and sleepiest" said Charles Wallace.

"How about hungry, hungrier, hungriest" said Calvin.

"How about soft, softer and softest" Sam said.

"And happy, happier and happiest" said Meg.

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