Day 13 Part 1

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The last few days have been largely uneventful, since Marvel's death things have felt off. We've all been a bit on edge, almost as if we can feel a sense of impending doom. The person who's been effected the most has to be Cato, for someone who's a stone cold killer, he's been rather emotional. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's beginning to come to terms with the idea that if someone like marvel can be taken out in a split second, who's to say that won't happen to us. Atleast, that's what I've been thinking about, that and what's going on back home. 2 days ago, Cato decided to go out on his own for most of the day and while he was gone we heard a cannon sound and all I could thing was 'well that can't be good'. He got back just before dark and when we asked him who's cannon is was he wouldn't tell us. Clove and I both knew who it was but when I saw Rocky's face flash in the sky that night, I couldn't help but feel sad.

I mean, I hadn't seen him in 10 days at that point but knowing that he was dead made me feel like I'd lost a piece of home. I hope his family is doing alright, dealing with their loose and all that. Since then Cato and I haven't really talked and by the time this morning rolled around I decided that I didn't want to stay here anymore. "hey love, it's your turn for watch." Clove shook me softly. My eyes fluttered open, finding the sky still quite dark, taking watch shifts in 3s have been tough, I like to take the last shift before morning because 1: I'm kind of a morning riser so I don't mind waking up early to do the last watch as long as I get a nap later in the day and 2: getting only 3 hour intervals of sleep sounds like a nightmare. "thanks babe." I said, stretching and giving her a kiss before grabbing my jacket and slipping it on. She was about to get into her sleeping bag when I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her attention back towards me.

"do you remember when I told you that I've been mad at Cato since... Well, you know?" I asked and she nodded, clearly wanting nothing more than to go to sleep. "well being here with him is getting a little overwhelming and if at all possible I was wondering if you wanted to go walk around the arena today then maybe spend the night somewhere else?" I asked feeling kind of stupid that I was basically asking for us to have a sleepover while in the games. She smiled softly and nodded, "I was thinking the same, I could use a vacation from old grumpy pants over there." she giggled, pointing over her shoulder at the sleeping man that lay on the complete other side of the cornucopia. That's another thing, he's been so distant for the last few days, I think it'll be best for everyone if Clove and I leave for a day or 2. "are you sure, I mean the 2 winners from the district thing is a big deal and if I can help it, I'd want the 2 of you to go home..." I trailed off, I hadn't thought about that since it was announced and the next day Caro just happened to run into Rocky and kill him.

What if he did that on purpose to make the likelihood of us being the winners less. Almost as if she read my mind, Cloves face tightened in confusion which was followed by a gasp, "you don't think..." she said and both of us looked over at him before looking back at each other, almost as if we were trying to confirm one another's suspicions. I nodded slowly, swallowing hard as my throat suddenly felt tight. "ok here's the plan, you go keep watch while I pack our bags that way we can leave right at dawn." she said standing up from her sleeping back and grabbing both of our backpacks. "ok but once you're done packing, get some sleep and I'll wake you in the morning." I said and she sighed, reluctantly agreeing before I grabbed my bow and arrow sheath and walked back out to the foot of the cornucopia. This is going to be one long day.


Telling Cato about us leaving for the day was easier than I thought, he just kind of shrugged it off and said he'd be fine to stay there and 'hold down the fort'. I tried to stay calm as well but something about his nonchalant demeanor was off putting.  We thanked him and said we'd be back by tomorrow afternoon before grabbing all our stuff and walking out of the clearing and into the woods. "is it just me or was he way too calm about us leaving?" I asked once we reached the edge of the clearing. Clove was silent for a moment, looking over her shoulder back to the cornucopia before nodding. "yeah I was thinking the same thing. Let's skip our walk and get to where we're going, you never know when you could be being followed." she's not wrong, and with Cato on our hands you really can't be sure. Throughout the rest of our walk, I kept playing Finnick's advice over and over again in my head 'once the numbers start to dwindle, the careers will turn on each other so have a plan B' and I think we're going to find ours today.

We must've walked for about half an hour before finding our place to stay for the night. "you think this is hidden enough? Because I don't want someone to have to keep watch all the time." Clove said as I lowered myself into cave. The entrance was kind of steep but after the 4 foot drop it was relatively flat. "yeah, when night comes we'll just go find a few branches or something to cover up the entrance." I said, grabbing our bags before reaching up to grab her hand. She thanked me, taking a hold of my hand and letting me guide her through the tight entrance. I turned around and took a look around our makeshift hide out. It's definitely cozy in here, there's a short tunnel that turns a corner and all that is beyond that is a roughly 10 foot oval; it may be a little tight but there's more than enough room for the 2 of us.... And the rest of panem. I've managed to forget were being watched yet again and everytime I think about that the feeling unsettles me, how did I watch these games for years and never once think about how it'd feel like to constantly be watched.

"ah, home sweet home." I exclaimed with a content sigh, letting my bag fall to the ground with a dull thud and opening my arms wide. I heard a giggled come from behind me before I felt 2 small but strong arms being wrapped around my waist. "you're such a dork Mis." Clove said through a smile, shaking her head as she glanced down at my large tooth grin. "oh don't act like you don't love it." I said a little quieter now, turning around in her grasp and wrapping my arms around her neck. We exchanged a couple of short, soft pecks which made us both laugh before resting my forehead against hers. "I've been waiting for alone 2 weeks to finally be alone with you, I missed our alone time." she smiled then pulled me in for one longer kiss before we pulled away.  "unfortunately it's not real alone time but I think it's the best we'll be able to do." I sighed, motioning over my shoulder to an obviously shiny portion of the ceiling with a black hole in the middle. She glanced up at the camera briefly before bringing her eyes back to mine, nodding understandingly.

A faint chime was heard outside, breaking us out of the moment. My eyebrows knit together and in response, she shrugged and turned towards the entrance of the cave. She climbed out, only disappearing for a moment before I heard her call out to me. I walked quickly towards the exit, pulling myself out of the hole and sitting on the edge of the rock. "I think someone sent us something?" she said, detaching a medium box from the parachute and carrying it towards me. I dropped back into the cave and took the box from her before helping her back down as well. "what do you think it is?" she asked, following closely behind me as I carried the box back to where we'd be sleeping. We set up out sleeping area quickly before sitting down on either side of the package. She reached forward and began to carefully open it. Her hands trembled a bit though I couldn't tell if it was out of excitement or hunger, either way I was feeling the same as a held my own shaking hands firmly in my lap.

I quiet gasp left her lips as she finally got the thing open. I peered over the edge and felt as a wave of warm, delicious smelling steam left the box. On one side of the box there were 3 rectangular aluminum box's with 2 sets of utensils sitting on top and on the other, there was a cloth bag that was tied in a knot and a tall square box that was white. "food." the word rolled out of my mouth in amazement as I lowered my head to take in the scent once more. "what do you think it is?" Clove asked, closing her eyes to take in the scent of the food, we haven't had a real hot meal in 2 weeks so even the head coming off of it was enough to make my mouth water. I reached in to grab one of the silver trays when clove grabbed my hand. I looked up at her, my eyes knit together in confusion. "why don't we wait until we get back from our walk to eat, I mean we ate breakfast not long ago so..." she trailed off and I nodded understandingly. "ok we'll wait to eat until later tonight." I said with a sigh before flashing her a quick smile of reassurance. "good, we can get our hunting out of the way now then we can have a romantic dinner together later." she giggled, giving me a quick kiss before pulling us both up and towards the exit.

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