The Bloodbath

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The gong sounds and I feel every fiber of my being pushing me off the pedestal and towards the cornucopia. I was about half way to the cornucopia when I heard footsteps start to approach me, while running I leaned down and picked up a knife. I grabbed the first backpack I saw and as I slung it over my shoulders, I felt it being pulled back a bit. I didn't have time to think, instead I lent forward, sending the girl from 3 flying over my shoulder and she landed hard on her back. The crack echoed through my ears and I watched the girl look up at me in horror. I could tell she hurt herself and I think she thought I was going to leave her there to die slowly, I might be a career but I'm not cruel and heartless so I grabbed the knife firmly in both hands and drove it into her heart. Her eyes instantly went blank and as I pulled the knife from her chest, some blood sprayed up my sleeve. I winced as the sight, shaking it off and adjusting my backpack before running further into the cornucopia.

I slipped in behind one of the racks to gather supplies, taking a mental note of where my teammates were and who killed their targets. Cato's laid in front of the rack not far from me and as I looked around to find Clove, I caught sight of the girl from 12 falling face first and turning to fine the guy from 5 approaching, knife in hand. As he was just about to reach her, a throwing knife lodged into his back, sending him tumbling to the floor. I followed the direction that it came in and found Clove readying another knife and throwing it at Katniss, everything she does amazes me but if she were to take out one of her targets and our main one in 30 seconds I'd be seriously impressed. I felt as though the world went in slow motion, the knife flew and flew, finally lodging itself into Katniss' back pack. She pulled it down, a look of horror and shock spread across her face as she watched Clove spring into action, immediately breaking out into a run after her. Katniss scrambled off the floor and ran towards the woods, Clove hot on her tail.

A shuffling sound within the cornucopia brought me back to reality. I spun around on my heels to see my second target, the girl Mazie from 9 trying to sneak off, a large back pack in her possession. I felt my fist wrap tighter around my knife and a look of fear washed over her as she noticed me. I lunged forward in an attempt to grab her only to find that a certain someone moved a box beside my feet, making me stumble forward. While I fell, my knife caught the lower part of her back, leaving a long and relatively deep cut. She yelped in pain and I watched the blood pool in her tan jacket as she ran away from the cornucopia. "fuck!" I yelled loudly, punching the wall of the cornucopia as I stood. I rolled my foot a few times, testing for injury which thankfully there were none then walked out of the cornucopia. My eyes squinted as the bright sunlight hit me once again and I looked out into the field, taking a quick count of the bodie, I'm going to say about 10, not bad.

By now everyone who wasn't a career was either dead or hiding somewhere in the woods. I collapsed onto the floor, taking my backpack off and placing it in my lap. "I can't believe I let her get away." I groaned, opening my bag and dumping the contents onto the ground in front of me. "Atleast you injured her, I let 12 get away unharmed and to top it off, she has one of my knives." cloves furry fizzled into sadness as she ran her hand down the empty slot in her throwing knife vest. She plopped down beside me on the floor and laid her head on my shoulder. I gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead without thinking and just then did I realize this was the first time everyone in Panem was seeing us together and I suddenly became very nervous. In an attempt to cover my nerves, I turned my gaze back to the floor, scanning over the contents of my bag. It held an empty water bottle, a couple meters of thin rope, matches, a pair of wool socks and a small emergency kit. "she has a point Misty, you injured her pretty good, if we don't find her by tonight she'll bleed out anyways." Marvel stated bluntly as he took a seat across from us, opening up his own back pack.

We eventually moved into the cornucopia so the capitol could pick up the dead tributes and while we were in there we decided to look around and see what we could find. The first box glimmer checked held a bunch of food, mostly dry food like jerky and bread; maybe she isn't completely useless after all. We split it up, I look a few buns myself and threw them into my back pack before continuing to pick through the supplies. I eventually found a knife holster and fastened it around my thigh, taking a knife off the rack and slipping it into the slot. "here Mis, I think you missed this." clove said, picking up the bow and arrow set that was sitting just outside the cornucopia and walking toward me with it. Before she could reach me, I was blocked with a big head of blonde hair. "why does she automatically get it? Archery was my skill too!" Glimmer whined, putting both her hands up towards clove. I looked around the side of her to see a very evident look of annoyance on cloves face.

She rolled her eyes as I approached her, "I think anyone could see by your contest on day one that Misty is far superior, hell I've only ever held that thing twice and I'm a better archer; this bow and arrow was meant for her." she finished then handed me the weapon. I slid the quiver and bow over my shoulder and pulling her in for a hug as a thank you, it would usually be a kiss but that kind of stuff is best saved for the cover of night. "this is so not fair, she should not have monopoly over it." she whined, looking to Cato and Marvel for back up. Cato simply pretended like he didn't hear her which made me snicker as clove and I walked further and further away from the group. "she did win the contest Glimmer, what's fair is fair." Marvel sighed, clearly becoming annoyed with her whining. "this is bullshit, she's not even that good." she said, picking up one of the many buns from the container and going to take a bite out of it.

Something in the way she said it hurt me, and I have no idea why because I think no she's stupid but suddenly something came over me and before I knew it I was loading an arrow into my bow and sending it flying in her direction. Before anyone had time to react, the arrow lodged itself into the bun and carried it through the air until the arrow hit the wall of the cornucopia. A squeal left her lips as she looked down at her now empty hand then back to me. My eyes scanned over the group as I slid the bow back over my shoulder, they were all looking at me with a look of fear and amazement; I have them exactly where I want them. "don't you dare say that about me ever again, next time that's gonna be your head." I said through tight lips and gritted teeth, gesturing to skewered role behind her. She nodded understandingly and looked back down. Just then a jingling sound fluttered through the air and a large box floated down from the air and landed at her feet. She opened it and a look of joy spread across her face as she pulled a bow and arrow set out of the box; oh the things a pretty face will buy you.

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