Tribute Parade Part 1

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"thank you." I said to the Avox that took my plate. She nodded once before disappearing back into the kitchen. Finnick and Annie started discussing survival tactics when we began to hear shouting. "I think were approaching the capitol, why don't you two go take a look." Queenie said, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin and clapping excitedly. I shrugged and Rocky and I stood up, making our way to the window just as the train slowed down. Just then, the capitol residents came into view, they were waving, cheering and clapping. We waved back and smiled which made them cheer even louder. I felt that familiar bubble of anticipation build in my stomach once again as we entered a tunnel that lead into the center where we'd meet our prep team. Queenie and our mentors heading off to God knows where while Rocky and I were ushered into different rooms where we were told to strip and put on a blue gown.

I changed and hopped up on the bench to wait. Not even 5 minutes passed before 3 woman came into the room and introduced themselves as Alfalfa, who was in charge of nails, Silica who was in charge of waxing and hair removal and Vanilla who was in charge of hair cutting and styling. Before I could get more than a simple introduction out, I was whisked off to the prep room, a large open hall where the only thing separating me and my fellow tributes was a thin curtain. The waxing was painful but I tried to grit my teeth and make conversation with my prep crew as I'd be spending a lot of time with them over the next 6 days. Wow, 6 days and I'll be in the arena, I can't lie and say I'm not a little nervous but I'm more excited that anything. I intend on using every minute here in the capitol to sharpen my skills, that way there'll be no doubt in my mind that I can win, with or without the career pack.

Speaking of which, I cannot wait to be introduced to them tonight at the tribute parade, I hope we get along well, especially me and Clove. I cannot shake her, there's something that keeps bringing me back to her and I can't place my finger on it. Once they finished waxing me, I got to put my gown back on and sit in a proper chair opposed to laying down on the cold metal table like a science experiment. Alfalfa trimmed and painted my nails a light blue colour then glues miniature sea shells alone the cuticle. Next was Vanilla, who at the meer sight of my long ignored hair groaned. I will admit I'm overdue for a cut but I didn't think it was that bad. She washed my hair with soap that smelled like cinnamon and warm vanilla, cut off the dead ends then scrunched it with a towel until it was completely dry, leaving my natural waves on full display. After that she braided a few strands, curled some others and tied half of it up at the back of my head.

Vanilla lead me back to room where I was initially lead and with a short goodbye and good luck, she left me to wait for my stylist. I walked around the room for a while, trying to find something to do. Eventually I made my way over to the stack of clothes and pulled the pearl bracelet out from between the folds of my  dress, pulling it on then laying on the bench. I waited, waited, and waited some more and before I know it, it was 3 o'clock and I was ravaged. Just as the thought crossed my mind, a beautiful woman with long red hair walked into my room (^^). "I apologize for my tardiness, I was helping someone with their costume, a zipper broke and her hand was shaking so hard she couldn't sew it on, first year jitters I suppose. Anyways, my name is Esmeralda and I'll be your stylist this year. Before we start, let's get some food in you, I can hear your stomach growl from down the hall." she said then pressed a button on the wall.

Moments later, an Avox came into the room, pushing a trolley with a few covered plates on it as well as 2 cups. I thanked her as the trolley was parked in front of me then she left. Esmeralda pulled a chair up on the other side of the trolley and took a seat. "the tribute parade starts at 6 so we have some time to eat, relax and get to know each other." she flashed me a pearly white smile and began to uncover the dishes. Over the next few hours we talked a lot and we learned a lot about each other. Esmeralda was about my age when she developed an interest and fashion so she went to school and by the age of 20 she worked for the games, she's been a stylist for 13 years, 8 of those being for 4 alone because she says it's her favorite district. I couldn't be certain if she was just saying that to butter me up but something about her made me want to trust her.

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