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Dear Mrs. Kentwell,

I hope this letter finds you, you never know these days with the censorship what they let pass through the districts. I will try to send it home with you husband before the Christmas holiday but if not, I will be at the mercy of the other peacekeepers. Let me first start by introducing myself, my name is Isla, I'm a mother of 3, 2 boys and well, you know my daughter. I lost my husband in a fishing accident just over 5 years ago now and I run a bakery in district 4; I would love to get to know you more and I'd more than happy to share more about myself in the future if that's what you want. As the holiday nears, and with the quarter quell around the corner, things have been boiling up to the surface in my household and I'd be willing to bet its the same for you.

Speaking of which, I send my most sincere condolences for your lose. I'd say I can't imagine what you and your family are going through right now but I can. I know I never formally met your daughter but seeing how much love my Misty felt for her made me love her too so when I saw her die, I knew I wasn't getting my daughter back. I was actually working in my bakery when it happened, me and my younger of the 2 sons run it and we were just pulling bread out of the over when the feast started. I was so distracted by the tv that I pulled 2 loads of bread out of the oven with no gloves before noticing and I do have quite the burn scar to prove it....

I looked up from the letter I was writing and sighed. The only desk we have in the house was in Misty's room and coming in here is still so hard for me. I've left it untouched and the slow build up of dust on her dresser is a reminder of how long she's been gone, almost 6 months now. Her 17th birthday would've been last week and just thinking about not seeing my baby hit that milestone breaks my heart. After that day in the arena, my family has never been the same. The capitol wouldn't stop pestering my sister for interviews only to ask if she was dissatisfied with how Misty placed in the games or how she died. Imagine being asked on national television if you were disappointed that your only niece killed herself to be with the person she loved, all because of the games you talked up for her whole life. My sister was surprisingly polite to the interviewer but in the end delivered a speech about how brave and strong Misty but in the end, her heart came first as it always had and she was thankful she got to see her grow up.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, having been staring blankly out the window for Atleast 10 minutes just thinking. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was just after 4. Callan Kentwell told me he finished work at 4 and would be around shortly after to collect my letter. I ended it quickly, saying that I'd like to get to know her better and that we could be supportive of each other's families and stay in contact if she wanted that and signed it as I watched Callan turn into Victor's village. I blew on the paper to dry before folding it and slipping it into an envelope, writing 'Callan' on the front. He told me they'd be less likely to check letters if they thought it was sent to him by family back home. I ran down the stairs as he knocked on my door. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I rounded the corner and opened the door to find him standing at my door step, holding his peacekeeper helmet under his arm.

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