Interview Part 1

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"good morning everyone." Esmeralda exclaimed as her and Canter walked out of the elevators. We just sat down to eat breakfast so they decided to sit and join us, the interviews aren't till about 4 so we have quite a bit of time to get ready. "how is everyone feeling this morning?" Canter inquired as he reached for a basket of croissants that sat in the middle of the table. "good, I'm excited to see how they do in the interviews." Annie smiles politely, buttering her bread. I'll admit I'm more than a little tired, Clove and I stayed on the roof well past midnight last night just getting to know each other better and even after that I didn't sleep well, I kept thinking about what I was going to say in the interview. "Misty, you look a little tired today." Esmeralda points out and I just shrug, "yeah, I didn't sleep well last night, I was just... To excited for today." I tried to play it off but it was obvious that she knew something else had kept me up.

We ate quickly before Rocky and I were ushered into the elevators by our stylists. They explained that we'd spend most of the morning with the prep team doing all the same stuff that we did on the day of the tribute Parade then we'd meet up again for lunch and after that we'd finish getting ready for the interviews. We just sort of nodded along, not having much to say about the matter before we were separated and walked into our own private rooms. "are you going to give me any hints on the interview look? Finnick said it revolved around pearls and roses." she groaned jokingly as I said that Finnick had already told me. "that Finnick never could keep his mouth shut could he, well that's all the information I was going to give you; other than the fact that the dress is a teal colour." she tutted, a faint smile on her lips telling me that she actually wasn't annoyed.

She was about to leave when the prep team entered my room, "perfect timing, I'll see you later darling." she said hoping up from her chair before giving me a kiss on each cheek and disappearing down the hall, her long red hair whipping around behind her as she disappeared around the corner. "your hair just grows like weeds doesn't it. We have a lot of work to do, chop chop." Silica sighed as she grabbed my arm and held it up, examining the short spikes that began to grow out of it. They got me changed out of the stretch pants and sweater I was wearing and into another blue gown, the same I'd worn on the first day. As we walked into the prep room, I caught the eyes of some of the other tributes, this whole being almost completely naked around strangers thing never gets easier, does it. As they got to work, they asked me if anything interesting had happened, giving each other weird looks as I said no. It would appear someone has been telling them otherwise; I wonder who that could be.

"well Esmeralda tells us you've been getting quite close with the girl from 2, why don't you tell us about that." Silica and Vanilla giggled and I couldn't help but turn red. I evaded most of their questions, keeping my answers as vague as possible while trying to keep them quiet because the other tributes were so close. "were just teasing you honey, we think it's cute. Nothing is better than young love." Vanilla said as she washed my now smooth legs off. The waxing took much less time than it did the first time, I guess that's because there's less of it and before I knew it, it was time for hair. Vanilla unravelled my hair from its bun, complimenting me for the first time. I thanked her and told her that my mom had taught me to tie it up only using ribbon. She once again washed my hair with her signature cinnamon and warm vanilla shampoo and conditioner then dried it and curled it. Every time she curled a piece she would wrap it around a curler and pin it to the top of my head then spray it.

The process took almost an hour, she told me that she'd let them sit while my nails were being done then she'd finish it after. Moments after she left Alfalfa walked in, I think she might be my favorite member of my prep team, aside from Esmeralda. I think I like her the most because she's more quiet, relaxed and reserved than the others, I mean I even have a nickname for her. When she does my nails we either sit in silence or she asks me simple questions. Today's topic was home, and oh boy did I get to talking. I talked about everything from my dad, to my brothers, to my relationship with my aunt. We were having such a nice talk that I hadn't even noticed that she finished my nails until the machine that was drying them beeped. I pulled them out and gasped, they faded from pink to white and had a pearlescent sheen to them, and on the ring finger of both hands there was an almost lace like white rose.

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