Day 5

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Remember how I said last night would be interesting? Well I lied because we ended up just eating dinner and laying around watching the fire until we both fell asleep. A thin blanket and a pile of leaves wasn't the nicest bed but after the last couple of days we had, I slept like I was back on the capitol beds for the first time; like a baby. I felt myself begin to stir awake when I heard this grinding sound, it sounded very familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Just as I came to the conclusion that it sounded like sawing wood, I felt the ground shake slightly as an intense buzzing sound filled the air. My eyes opened wide to find a tracker jacker nest had falled to the ground and broke open completely, sending tracker jackers flying everywhere. I felt a gutteral scream leave my mouth as I was stung multiple places in the leg while trying to get up.

I managed to get myself to my feet and grab my bag as I felt clove take a hold of my hand and pull me away from the tree. I ran as fast as I could but with the stings my leg began to swell violently. We eventually made it to the water and I threw myself in, feeling the water instantly cool my burning leg. I breathed heavily for a few moments, my eyes tightly screwed closed as my leg pulsed. Eventually the burning feeling subsided to a dull itch and I rolled up my leg. I had several clusters of 4-5 stings that swelled into large red and yellow bumps, looking at it made me feel woozy so I simply rolled my pant leg back down and laid my head back on the river bank. Clove and I sat in silence for about 10 minutes, only briefly checking in on each other to make sure the other was fine. "wait, where is everyone else?" I lifted my head and took a look around.

Almost as if on que, Marvel ran out of the forest and right up to us, "what happened." Clove asked him as he sat down beside us. He stuck his stung hand in the water and sighed. "glimmer is dead and peeta betrayed us so Cato went back to kill him." he said with a chuckle, "that kinda sucks, he was starting to grow on me." he finished, causing us both to laugh. "you're more upset about a guy from 12 than you are about your own district partner?" Clove laughed and he nodded, laughing along with her. "no shit, I don't know if you guys noticed but she was really annoying." he said and I smirked, "oh we noticed." I giggled. "it's just like... Who am I supposed to talk to now?" he said and Clove smacked him on the arm jokingly, "us of course." she said, sounding fake offended. "I guess you're right, it's better than mister grumpy pants over there." he said, pointing into the clearing where Cato had just emerged, dragging Peetas body and leaving him laying on the rocks, his leg bleeding profusely.

"are you really just going to leave him like that, I didn't hear a cannon." I asked, standing up on my still pulsating leg and wrapping my arm around Cloves shoulders for support. "yeah, I hit an artery, he'll be dead in minutes." he said, dipping his sword in the water and cleaning it before walking up to us. "let's get back to camp, I'm starving and we need to get our supplies together." we agreed and headed towards the cornucopia. On the way we ran into the boy from 3 and just as Cato was going to kill him, the boy said that he could be valuable. He told us that he knew how to reactivate the mines, he could dig them up and plant them around our supplies. He was still going to kill him but we insisted that we let him join us as since it was 3 to one, he let him.

We got back to camp and all immediately began to move stuff into a big pile while Mac, as we learned was his name, dug up the mines. "guys, I think I have to sit down, my leg hurts way too much." I said through gritted teeth as I pushed a box into the pile. "go take a seat, we're ok for now." Marvel smiled, patting me on the shoulder and pushing me lightly in the direction of our tent. I plopped down on my bed and rolled my pant leg up once more to find that the lumps had gotten redder and were beginning to become too itchy to bare. I whipped the tears that were welling up in my eyes away and laid my head back on the pillow, shutting the world around me out as my eyes closed. I don't know how much time had passed but I was woken up by clove shaking my shoulders light. "Mis, wake up. A sponsor sent you something and I didn't want to open it without you." she said, helping me sit up.

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