Preparing For The Interview

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My eyes fluttered open to see an unfamiliar ceiling, I was confused for a second before I remembered what happened last night and I couldn't help but smile through the deep blush on my face. I pulled the grey sheets tightly around me and looked to my left to see a sleeping Clove, her arm draped over my bare torso. I lifted her arm up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and stretched. I sat there for a moment, looking around the floor for the silky pink pajamas I'd put on last night. Once I found them I went into the bathroom and put them back on, twisting my hair into a bun before going back into the room to find Clove getting dressed as well. "good morning beautiful." I said, holding her chin in my hands and pulling her in for a long kiss. "I should probably get going, if I'm not ready by 9 Finnick will have my head."
I chuckled and she nodded understandingly.

"let me walk you out." she said leading me out of the bedroom and into the stairwell. "I don't think I'll be able to get away tonight to meet you on the roof, you know how committed 4 is to having a good interview," I chuckled lightly, but stopped once I saw her face fall slightly. "but I'll try my hardest, our nights together are my favorite part of the day." she smiled and kissed me once more before sending me back up the stairs. I practically ran up the stairs as it was already 8:30 and snuck back into the room, getting undressed as I walked. I took a quick body shower and hopped out, wrapped myself in a towel and ventured to the closet. For today I picked out a pair of simple black pants, a light blue blouse and flat black shoes with a strap around the ankle. Lastly, I let my hair out of its bun, letting my hair lay down my back and slipped the elastic around the wrist before walking out of my room.

As I rounded the corner to the dining room, I check the time to find that it was exactly 8:58, perfect timing. I took a seat beside Finnick who nudged my side lightly, "did you have fun last night?" he asked and I blushed, nodding wordlessly which made him smile widely. "I'm glad because we have lots of work to do today, eat up." and with that, the conversation thankfully ended, leaving me to eat in peace. Rocky came out not much later with Annie by his side and they appeared to already be discussing the interview. The breakfast was as amazing as it usually us, we had white truffle quiche, glazed ham and fruit and nut bread with ricotta cheese and honey. To drink we had loose leaf chamomile tea, the smell reminded of me of home, I'd often have breakfast with my mom at her bakery before school and she loved chamomile.

"ok, now that we're sufficiently fed it's time to work on your angle for the interview." Finnick said, whipping his mouth as I finished the rest of my tea. Annie agreed and the 4 of us stood, they went to a room off the dining room which I was told was a 'study' while Finnick and I took a seat in the living room. "ok, let's start with your introduction, from he second you walk out onto stage, the audience will start to form their opinion of you. It's important to keep your head held high while making sure your steps are calculated and engage them; smile and wave, make sure you make eye contact with 5 separate people before you reach your seat." he started and I nodded, "what does the eye contact do?" I asked, "there are 5 different sections to sit in, pick on person from each section to make each section feel like you're talking to them directly and they'll be more likely to consider what you say."

That makes a lot of sense, I made a mental note of that and nodded for him to continue. "when you reach Caesar, give him a firm handshake and look him in the eyes when he talks, then when you answer his questions, start by looking at him then finish by looking at an audience member. If you get nervous look at someone from your team just make sure to turn as you talk to make the audience feel included. Nothing is more detrimental to your chances of winning than ignoring the viewers and potential sponsors. The sponsors will be very important and for the most part since you'll be with the careers, they'll secure the cornucopia so you won't want for food or weapons but if you need say medicine, they'll be your best bet." while he spoke, I nodded along. I knew most of what he was saying to me but it was good reinforcement.

"the capitol loves these games and in turn loves the victors and since your aunt is well known and loved, she will most definitely be brought up if she isn't the main focus of your interview. That is your golden ticket to easy sponsors. I know this is all true for you but talk about how she's an inspiration of yours to compete, how she taught you all you know, show them your bracelet they'll eat it right up. I made sure that Esmeralda made that the centre piece of your costume, pearls and roses. Pearls because they're beautiful but strong and roses because they give off an air of loveliness which is another thing. Enobaria and I spoke and we think it's a good idea to bring up yours and Cloves romance, don't give the crowd everything but hint at it, this will make them want to know more, so they will watch you both and thus your odds will increase. I know it might be a sensitive subject for you right now but I know you two won't hide it in the arena so you might as well use it to your advantage."

He made a good point, the more I'm with her the less I can be away from her so we might as well put on a good show. The 'starcrossed lovers' story line could get us pretty far. After that thought crossed my mind, it occurred to me for the first time that only one of us would make it out alive, and that doesn't even mean it will be either of us, it could be Cato, or Thresh, or even Katniss. I tried to keep my mind off of that while we continued to go over the interview. Finnick asked me some general questions like how I feel about the competition, what my strengths and weaknesses are and what my thoughts are of the capitol as well as helping me to answer them. "honestly kid, I think you've got this, just remember everything I've told you and you'll be just fine." he smiled, patting my leg as he stood and stretch. I stood as well, feeling the stiffness of sitting on the couch so long and stretching as well.

"perfect timing you two, you're just in time for lunch." Queenie said, gesturing to the table which was slowly filling with food as she sat in her seat. "I'll go grab Rocky and Annie." I said, continuing past the dining room and towards the study. As I opened the door, I heard them talking about something that caught my attention. "you know, it's okay, that you don't want to be in the career pack, I wasn't and though I struggled quite a bit in the beginning I was able to do what I wanted and go where I wanted without having to converse with the others so really, both sides have their perks." I tried to keep listening but I accidentally leaned too far into the door, causing it to creak and the two of them turned around. "I was just coming to grab you for lunch." I smiled, trying to act nonchalant as I walked back into the other room. What she said was true, if anything happened I'd be screwed, it's time to start thinking of a plan B.

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