Last Training Day Part 1

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Today is that last training day, well half day. This afternoon we'll do our private display with the gamemakers then tonight, we'll get our training score. I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed, these last 2 days have been brutal but they've ensured that I get a great sleep. I hot pressed my hair to make it pin straight then brushed it back into a tight ponytail, I wanted to look good for my viewing and sloppy hair would not do. After that I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my training clothes before going for breakfast. I made sure to eat extra today so I had more energy. This was the perfect day to do it too because there were so many delicious things and I wanted to try them all. There were black currant scones with coated cream and preserves, egg and cheese soufflé, caramelized bacon and so much more.

Last night, I overheard Rocky talking with Annie about him not wanting to be in the tribute pack and instead compete alone and she told him to talk to us today so that should be interesting. On a lighter note, over the last 2 days, I've gotten to know the others well and I like them, well most of them, if I'm being honest I could do without Glimmer but I'll take her if I must. The problem is that we've gotten very close and I know them well, we'll enough to know that they're bloodthirsty, and violent and are there for one reason and that is to win. Thought I might not be as gung-ho about it all, I'm definitely in it to win it and I'll do whatever it takes. I just wouldn't want it to come to just us, I don't know what I would do, who I'd kill first, it sucks to think about and the more we talk, the more I wish I hadn't in the first place.

"good morning!" I called out to the group and I speed walked off the elevator, giving Cato a fist bump and pulling Clove in for a tight hug then returning to the position we normally stand in. Rocky followed behind me shortly after and asked Cato and Marvel to talk to him alone. They agreed and followed him off while the girls immediately turned to me for answers, "what is he going to talk to them about?" Glimmer asked while Clove nodded curiously. "I overheard him talking to one of our mentors yesterday and he's considered doing the games solo." I explained, both of them were shocked and shared a concerned look before Glimmers face softened. "it's okay, we don't need it, it can just be us 5, maybe we can even ask the guy from 11 to be with us." she said and Clove nodded. "well I know that but you know Cato, I don't think he's going to take the news very well."

Just then, almost as if on cue Cato yelled 'what?!' standing up from the bench he'd be sitting on and storming back off towards us. Marvel said a couple of words to him as well, he was clearly disappointed then stalked off in our direction as well. "I can't believe that! Oh well, we didn't need him anyways, he was the weakest link and there's no room for weak links in the career pack. Let's go, we're wasting time." he said quickly, his face flushed red as he continues to walk past us to the spears. We turned to Marvel as he approached us, wanting to hear what he said about it. "I mean, I don't have a problem with it, it sucks because he won't have people to back him up but if that's what he wants to do it then let him." he said with a shrug and Clove groaned. "why did you get the normal partner?" she threw her arms up in frustration at Glimmer before taking me by the hand and dragging me towards the spears.

As we approached Cato, we saw him watching the boy from 12 climbing a rope net from the bottom, "oh boy." was all I managed to get out before he lost his footing and fell flat on his back with a loud grunt. One thing you should know about me is if you fall in front of me and you aren't visibly hurt I will laugh, it doesn't matter who it just happens and today was no different. He sat up on his elbows, holding his back as his district partner went up to talk to him. They both looked in our direction as our laughing died down and Clove tugged on my hand, pulling my attention away from the boy on the floor."let's go practice archery, I don't even know how to use a bow so I'll need all the help I can get she said. Pulling me away from the others. I didn't even know she was still holding my hand until she pulled on it, I guess it just feels natural.

We made it half way across the room before we heard a big bang and clattering behind us. I turned to see a rack had been knocked over, the spears it once held were strewn around it and beside it was a 100 pound boulder. "did he just..." she trailed off, pointing to the boy from 12 who stood beside the group of boulders, looking at the other careers with an intense look in his eyes, one that said 'don't underestimate me'. "yeah... I think he did. That was actually quite impressive, he threw you." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes. "yeah yeah, let's just get to this archery thing, I really hope there's more than 1 bow and arrow set in the arena so we don't have to hear Glimmer bitch and complain about it." she chuckled and I shook my head, "no, let her complain, it'll be a constant reminder about who the better archer is." I said and Clove stopped. "you're right... You're better in every way." she said with a wink before releasing my hand, leaving me dumbfounded.

"that was amazing, you're a fast learner." I applauded Clove as she handed the bow back to the trainer and took hold of my hand again, walking us away from the station. "this is new." I laughed, holding our clasped hands up. "is it too much? Because I can stop its totally okay." her face flushed and I chuckled causing her eyebrows to knit together. "no, I like it a lot actually, it feels natural." I said and she smiled, "I agree." she said and lead me towards the fire starting station, one we had yet to visit. "do you wanna go first? I've literally never made a fire before." I felt a little embarrassed about that but come on, I'm from a district surrounded by water. I was too busy learning to swim, not start fires and climb trees, now that I'm thinking about it, that might cause an issue. "sure, it's really easy, just watch me." she pointed to the other side of the pile of sticks. I have a feeling this isn't going to be my forte.

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