First Training Day Part 2

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Once we finished the last activity, it was announced that we were allowed to go do individual training and the careers met back up by the spears to discuss what we were going to do first, "ok, before we start, what would you say is your best weapon?" Rocky asked no one in particular. "probably spear." marvel was the first to speak up, "my throwing knives, they're my babies." clove answered, followed by Cato saying sword and Rocky agreeing that that was his as well. "it would definitely be bow and arrow." I said and Glimmer gasped, saying that was hers too. "well I doubt that there's going to be more than one in the arena so why don't we have a little competition to see who the best archer is?" I raised an eyebrow and field my hand out to her. She shook it and the 6 of us walked over to the target practice area.

The 2 of us picked up a bow and stood in front of separate targets. "the first to hit bullseye on the 3 targets wins." I said and she nodded eagerly, grabbing her first arrow and I did the same. "And... Go!" The trainer called out and I loaded mine into the bow, pulling it back taught and pulling my chest up before letting it fly, surprise surprise, I hit it right in the middle and Glimmer hit the target over its left shoulder. They whooped and hollered behind me as I loaded another one in and hit the target on the chest while Glimmer continued to work on the head target, by the time I started to load my third arrow she hit the outer ring of the top target. I let my third and final arrow into the bow and shot it, it flew and hit the final target. They clapped and I turned around, bowing as Glimmer finally hit the first target and dropped her arms by her side with a long groan.

"fine, you win, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Let's go do something else." she pushed the bow into the trainers arm and stormed off with Marvel by her side. "that was amazing Misty, where did you learn to do that?!" Clove exclaimed, linking arms with me as the four of us followed Glimmer. "mostly from my trainer, but also that was my aunts weapon in the games and she wanted to pass it on." I said and Cato and clove looked at me confused. "my moms sister won her games 43 years ago, she started training me when I was 8." I explained and they nodded, "well, since you clearly have archery down, why don't we work on your knife throwing skills next?" Clove asked and I nodded eagerly. The boys went off towards the spears and Clove and I got in line for the knife throwing exercise. Once we got to the front, she took her turn  throwing 3 and hitting them all; hell she even did one with her back turned, needless to say I was enamoured.

"what... How?" I snapped my much shut as she chuckled at me. "come here, I'll show you." she said and positioned me in front of one of the targets. "first, show me how you'd hold it." she said, putting her hands on her hips. I held it at about the middle of the blade with my thumb and pointer finger. "close but not quite." she said and grabbed the knife out of my hand gently. "holding it like this will give you more control." she explained, holding onto the tip with her thumb on one side and her pointer and middle finger on the other. I nodded and grabbed the knife back, holding it the right way. "good good, now, how to throw it. You're going to bend your arm back at a 90° angle, so your forearm is parallel with the sky, then when you throw, release the knife when your hand is face level, let your arm continue to fall, almost like it's on a rotation." As she explained, she placed her hand between my shoulder blades then moved my arm up so it was beside my ear.

"ok, try it now." she said, I did as she said and it landed almost in the middle of the target, I smiled widely then turned to grab another, then another, and another. By the time I stoped throwing, there were 3 knives coming out of the middle of that target. "that's so cool. Thank you!" I exclaimed as we walked off the mat to join the others. "don't mention it, you're also going to have to show me how to shoot an arrow like that." I agreed and just as we reached the others, Atala announced that we had an hour break for lunch that would be served in the mess hall and to start heading over there now. We immediately made our way over, I didn't realize how hungry I was until someone mentioned food. "have you found the stairwell up to the roof yet?" I asked and she nodded. "yeah, it's right across from my room, I was thinking of going up there tonight." she said and I smiled. "I was thinking the same, do you want to meet up there, say at 8." I suggested and she nodded. "for sure, I've been dying to watch a capitol sunset."

The rest of the training day went by fairly quickly and before I knew it, it was 4 and Finnick and Annie came to get us for dinner. "I can't wait to take a shower, I'm so hot and sticky." I said, pulling the edge of my shirt away from my chest. "are you sure that's not from that little private training sessions you had with the first from 2?" he asked and the mentors looked at me questioningly. "of course not, she was just bring nice. I'm going to teacher her how to shoot a bow and arrow tomorrow." I said, sounding more defensive then I meant to. "just nice?! You guys have been all over each other since the tribute parade, you might as well get married." he sneered and I stormed off the elevator without another word. That is not a conversation I'm having right now, especially not with him.

The second I got into my room, I stripped down, kicking off my boots and throwing my clothes at the laundry basket. I started the water and hoped right in, not caring what temperature it was and started washing my hair and body. I eventually found myself on the floor letting the water rain over me and I'd lost all track of time. I got out and threw a towel around myself, sticking my head out of the room to check the time. It was already 5 and dinner wasn't starting till 6 so I still had some time. I dried my hair and twisted half into a bun at the back of my head, pinning it in place and leaving the rest down then walked into the closet. Most of the clothes were beautiful but not my style, it took me a while to find something I liked which was black pants that had gold buttons going down the side, a burnt orange spotted blouse that tied in the front and a pair of black flat shoes that had a buckled around the ankle. Lastly I slipped my aunts bracelet around my wrist and walked out to the dining room.

"ah, there she is, just on time. Come take a seat Misty, we're having braised lamb with colourful carrots today." Queenie waved me over and I decided to sit between her and Annie today instead of my usual seat beside Rocky. As I picked at my food I thought about the conversation in the elevator, I was in no mood to talk to him after he said those things, in front of the mentors of all people. He knows that they know my family, anything I do here will get back to them and they can't know I've been getting close with a girl... I mean, I'm not, I'm not, we're just friends and partners and that's the end of it. "you okay over there Mis, you look a little distant." Finnick asked, bringing all the attention back to me. I suddenly felt very angry and overwhelmed. "yes, I'm fine, everything is fine... I'm just not very hungry." I said, whipping my mouth and storming out of the dining room. I laid down on the bed with a deep sigh, I don't know what to do.

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