Girls girls.. girls?

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The rest of the day seemed to proceed as if nothing happened. 

Class resumed, the students all unfroze, without any notion to what had happened, though they ultimately seemed confused when the lunch bell rang way too early.

"That's odd."  Clint muttered, looking at the clock. "I could've sworn.. well we will have to continue this lesson another day it seems. Oh my, the principle won't be happy with me. "

As everyone dove into their bags to get out their lunches, or went outside to buy lunch from the school store, Ben found Erice shoving her desk over to sit next to him, as Ophelia did the same. 

Erice gave Ophelia a hostile glare, her face turning red as Ophelia smiled calmly and brought out her own ready made bento. "Ahh, mind if I join you for lunch?"

"Uh, not at all." said Ben. "Take a seat."

"B-Ben!" Erice stammered. "You can't honestly-."

"There's two of us, and you're fully healed." said Ben. "And we know her powers now, she's not going to be that bold."

"W-well true, but." Erice gritted her teeth furiously. "She demanded a fucking DATE of all things!? I can't be sure what she's-."

"Oi, budge over ya mermaid." 

There were whispers in the classroom as Hanzo walked over, holding a sandwhich from the school store. 

"I guess you're kind of fine." Muttered Erice as she scooted over, allowing Hanzo to sit down next to her and Ben. 

The whispers were understandable. Ben usually ate lunch with Mika and Tay. But since those two were busy preparing for exams, Ben knew they probably were in the library eating their lunches alone as they poured over books. 

Ben on the other hand, had no future in this world, it really was rather pointless to do school things here as Erice said. 

But he still tried. It gave him a sense of normalcy at the least. 

"So." Grunted Hanzo. "What's your motive vampire? Date with Tennyson? Yeah right."

'Why it's true." said Ophelia calmly as she used her knife and fork to cut up her tempura shrimp into bite sized pieces. "I find him attractive. He's kind, heroic, determined, all qualities one finds when looking for the ideal spouse. Isn't that right Erice-chan?"

Erice looked like she wanted to tear Ophelia into tiny pieces as she grinded her teeth, clutching her chopsticks till they snapped apart from her grip. "Y-yeah, I guess Ben has good qualities, qualities that I'm not sure you deserve ya piece of-."

"Keep it civil you two." Ben muttered, feeling more and more like a mediator between two warring alien species.  

"How do you know that she isn't just toying around with you like a piece of meat!!?" Erice growled. "Vampires love to toy with humans. Lull them into a false sense of security, then before you know it, your blood is gone! You're drained like a husk!"

"Trust me, you'd know if I were just playing." said Ophelia.

"Really!? Why?" snapped Erice.

"Because I go for both sexes quite equally." said Ophelia. "And as far as physical attractiveness goes, you're very much my type Erice-chan.  If I wanted to play with you I'd use my Vampiric Pheromones to put you under extreme heat hypnosis. I'd lead you into my home and then.. oho the things I would do. You'd feel pleasure unlike anything ever experienced by mankind in this world."

"Wh-wh-wh-whAAAAA!?" squealed Erice, her entire face going brick red. 

"But I'm not doing it out of respect for Ben-sama's wishes." said Ophelia. "Because the attraction I hold for him spans beyond simple physical pursuits.  Ben Tennyson could be fat, ugly, and made of rotting corpses, and I still would feel attracted to him."

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