The Vampire and the Professor.

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The creatures came relentlessly, blood flying from their fangs as they dove in without consideration for their own lives or desires. 

Swampfire hurled two powerful geysers of fire, one from each palm.. mowing through multiple giant wolves with his powerful fire and ripping apart the street. 

As he did this, Erice levitated high into the air and snapped her fingers. 

Two watery portals swirled into existence and a couple of the massive coy fish from before swirled through. 

The coy fish both puffed up their cheeks and fired a thin high pressure beam of water that ripped through the concrete like paper, slashing the wolves to shreds whenever they somehow managed to leap past Swampfire's flames. 

"This perimeter's effective, but there are too many to stop all of them!" yelled Erie as she noticed that some wolves still managed to get past the flame and water gun barrier. 

"That's where I excel." Hanzo said with a smirk as his blade moved faster than the human eye could catch. 

Multiple silvery slashes filled the area around the trio, as Hanzo slashed and hacked multiple wolves apart. 

But more and more kept coming and slowly the group began to be overwhelmed. 

"ERICE! Make a big wall!!" Swampfire yelled. 

"Urgh! right!" Erice swiped a hand upwards, and the ground around them shattered to pieces as a huge wall of water erupted around them. "Got a plan!?"

"I think!" Swampfire slammed his hands into the ground, and massive vines grew behind the water walls. "Prepare to sync up!"

"I see what you're thinking!" said Erice, now grinning. "Tell me when!"

"NOW!" Swampfire roared. 

Erice thrust her hands downwards, and the wall of water exploded outwards, turning into a massive sweeping wave that tore into the wolves from a 360 degree circumference, as at the same time, Swampfire's Vines exploded forward with the waves, adding to the collision force. 

Blood stained the floodwaters as the wolves were bashed into smears of guts and bone. 

"HECK YEAH!!" Erice yelled, pumping a fist. 

"Well well well, not bad." said Hanzo. " You used your plants to push the water out even harder while adding to the physical force of the blow giving us breathing room and taking them all out at the same time. Ya got a knack for this Jungle Flame."



However, no sooner had Hanzo congratulated Ben when the sounds of more snarls could be heard surrounding the group. 

"How many of those things are there!?" Hanzo growled. "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy bloodshed, but this is gonna wear us down real quick."

"Erice!? " Swampfire called out.

"There's a whole horde of em moving in from all directions." said Erice. "Hanzo, would I be wrong to say that the school doesn't fall in your territory?"

"It doesn't." said Hanzo. 

"My territory is a few blocks south." said Erice. "And Ben's is a  few blocks west. I'm guessing nobody bothered attacking us at school due to wanting to keep out of involving students, and the fact that we could make it to our territories if we booked it.. but.."

"The hordes are too dense to cut our way through." Hanzo growled. "We'd never make it. Fuck, waiting for us three to gather and then taking us all out at once with these monsters, the Hero that we're dealing with is one smart bitch."

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