The Fairy

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Ben awoke, sitting up in his futon, gasping for breath. "Shit shit shit!"

Ben undid his buttons rapidly, pulling open his pajama shirt to look at his stomach. 

Thee was nothing there except his own unscathed skin. 

Ben let out a moan of relief. It was a dream. It was definitely a dream. 

Ben hurried over to his wastepaper basket and threw up into it.  Dream or not, however, that was way too real and way too nauseating.  He needed to call somebody or his head was going to explode from the stress of what had just happened. 

Ben stood up and felt all over his futon for his phone, but for some reason he couldn't find it. 

A brief memory of his phone skidding off the Old Bridge and into the water as Erice Tsukuyomi broke his arm flitted across his memory. 

"Nah, that was a dream." Ben muttered. "That can't have ha-."

Ben froze. There was something here that had never been here before. 

Slowly, almost with dread, but with an equally mingled in curiosity, he looked at his left wrist. A device of some sort was there. 

It was a watch. The faceplate was circular with a green hourglass-like emblem in the center, and there seemed to be green rectangular panels going around the wrist strap, that somehow he knew were touch panels for differing options. 

Other touch panels could be seen around the edges of the faceplate.  

Ben touched a finger to the center of the hourglass, which glowed suddenly as a green hologram blazed out of it.  

The image of some sort of weird monster appeared, rotating over the hourglass, a hologram. next to the hologram was a computerized window showing series of texts in multiple alternating languages, sometimes English.

"M-Methanosian." Ben read. "Huh? Species was acquired on Year 8757 of the Galvan cy-.. okay this toy is cool but.. where the heck did it come from?"

Deciding that Tay must've bought it to celebrate another one of his favorite scifi movies coming out and then secretly gave it to Ben in the night (wouldn't be the first time he woke up in the middle of the night with an Oculus Rift on his head because Tay felt generous). He tried to pull it off.

But it wouldn't budge.

Ben looked around the strap, trying to find a strap or button to detach it from his wrist. 

When he couldn't see one, he decided the best course of action was to loosen it up and pull his hand through, but the moment he attempted to put his finger under the straps and faceplate.. he found his skin was seemingly glued to the entire device. When he pulled on the plate, his skin rose with the machine.. as if somebody had taken a bottle of crazy glue to it. 

"Tay, what the hell?" Ben grunted, shaking his wrist, as if hoping it would just fly off if he shook it around a bit.  "This is too far man."

It was odd, the device seemed familiar somehow. Ben figured he must've seen it in a commercial, probably one for the scifi movie Tay was getting excited over.. 

"Weird.." Ben muttered, yawning as he opened the door and began making his way to the living room. "Ah crap, might as well call in Tay and ask him where he put the stupid guide to peeling off super glue.."

Ben walked past his alarm clock and then stopped before staring at the blaring lit up digital numbers that said 4:30 am. 

Maybe now was a bit too early.

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