The Alliance.

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"So.. I take it that's your backer right?"

Ben looked up as he and Deca left the church. 

Erice's arms were folded as she leaned against a nearby lamp post. "She should be able to explain about the basics at least, like how to activate your Radiance, how to access the Radiant Shop, and also details about your powers,  etc."

"Yes, I would indeed be able to explain all those things." said Deca. "I take it you do not intend to fight Master Idiot right now?"

"No, I owe him that much." said Erice. "But the next time we meet, we'll definitely be enemies, so be sure not to hesitate fire plant. Seeya!"

Erice turned to leave.

"Wait!" Ben said. "You're just going to go?"

"Well yeah, as much as I wish I didn't have to, you're my enemy, and my only way to leave alive is to kill you." said Erice. "You're a good kid Ben, but that's how its gotta be, trust me."

"Does it?" Ben said seriously. "Then why did you save me back there? Two times I might add. It was you who healed my wounds wasn't it?"

Erice froze mid step, and gritted her teeth. "You reminded me.. of what it meant to truly be a hero. When you stepped up and took the blow for me in spite of what I had done, I couldn't just leave you there. You truly were the type of hero that night that I had always aspired to be. But that was a debt that I just repaid, we have no further use for each other-."

"I don't think so." said Ben, folding his arms and grinning. That's right, little by little, whether she liked it or not, he was going to save her. 

Instead of fighting the heroes, perhaps he could build an alliance with them to take on whoever was making them do this. 

'But where are the gods? You don't know who are where they are.' said a little voice in Ben's head. 

'Shut up, I'll get to it when it happens'.

But the unease of how many holes his plan had continued to burn in his stomach. 

Erice narrowed her eyes and looked at Ben. "You're forgetting I'm a hero too, or was. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'hey form an alliance, we'll take out the bad guy together' right? You're lucky I'm obviously from a similar hero morality, cause I can guarantee the other guys won't take the same mentality."

"How are you so sure?" Ben asked. 

"Do you know about Epithets?" Erice asked. 


Erice sighed. "Backer, if you would-.."

"Do not deign to give me orders if you are not my Master Idiot." said Deca. "But yes, I shall explain as it appears the unthinking idiot requires it."

"Are you just going to keep name calling?" Ben grumbled. 

"In a Radiant War,  nobody is allowed to know the identity of their fellow participants until they are able to deduce it themselves through thorough investigation, meeting on the battlefield, or the participant confesses it to the opposite party. " said Deca.  "As such clues about their powers and their personalities are hinted to by their Epithets which can  ascertained through Tuning."

"Tuning?" Ben asked. 

"Like this." Erice unbuttoned her borrowed shirt and parted it a little so Ben could see just underneath her breasts where a burning symbol resembling a fairy could be seen glowing. "Tuning is where you focus all your vision on a single person, and concentrate. If they are a participant, you'll be able to see the symbol somewhere on their body. But it's not too reliable, as you can see my symbol isn't in a place I'd normally display to the public unless I went to the beach in my swimsuit."

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