The Alien V.S. The Vampire.

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"You ain't gonna stop me?"

Hanzo looked up as the two other Charm Casters stared at him from afar. 

The Venti Charmcaster was lying on the ground, unconscious, her coffee cup spilling over the sewer grates nearby. 

Nova had her arms folded huffily as Hydra was just lazing about on top of her stone servant. 

"Of course not. Venti's the leader, but she's also the part of Charmcaster that sorta imbued all of our bad side. The power hungry parts, the parts that Uncle Hex grew through our abusive relationship." said Nova with a shrug.

"You mean you ain't the bad side?" asked Hanzo

Nova glared at Hanzo. "What do ya take me for!? I may be violent and a go getter but I ain't evil!"

"Then why the fuck do ya follow her?" Hanzo asked, pointing at Venti. 

"Well, sister is scary when she's angry.. " said Hydra uneasily. 

"There are two of you and one of her. And you all supposedly equally distributed your original power among the three of you. If you gang up on her, no way she can push you two around." said Hanzo. "You know that right?"

"S-sure, but.. but.." Muttered Nova. 

"But what?" said Hanzo. "Evil ain't just in the act. It's also the inaction of those who choose to witness it and do nothing."

Nova and Hydra both looked at each other, before Nova suddenly started blushing furiously.

"Y-yer even more annoying than Gwen you know that?"

"Whose she?" Muttered Hanzo.

"Ben Tennyson's cousin." said Hydra. "She's soooo strong.. but sooooo annoying.. like very.. aaaahhh.. but I don't think about it as much as Nova and Venti do.. I'd rather just sleep."

"Then do that.. if Nova wants you to sleep as much as you do, then Venti can't stop you, and Nova, whatever you want to do, if Hydra helps you out, then Venti can't stop that either." said Hanzo. "You might've been one person once, but now you're individuals who are also sisters. If Venti truly cares about you, she needs to learn that. The Original Charmcaster is gone, she has been for a while. 

The two Charmcasters looked at each other momentarily before Nova looked back at Hanzo seriously. "So.. w.. we can do whatever you want?"

"As long as it ain't evil, otherwise I'll find ya and cut ya down again." Hanzo said with a shrug.

Nova smiled slightly, her cheeks red as strawberries. It was astonishing how cute she was when she had this expression.  "Th-then I'll do that right now."

Nova leaned in to Hanzo and kissed him on the cheek, stunning the samurai in an instant, driving him speechless. 

"I-I'll be watching you closely you know!! I-I hope you know that." stammered Nova as her face became redder and redder. "Y-you're such an idiot.. b.. but a tolerable one. I hear your other two friends were recently captured. If I were you, I'd hurry over to school before you're late. 

There was a flash of light, and the three sisters vanished, even Venti. 

"Guess, they went off to explore this strange new world." Hanzo muttered as he put a hand to the area where Nova had kissed him. "Hmph, those damn nincompoops. Guess it's time for me to bail them the fuck out."


"Those three are taking an awful long time." Grunted Eliza, her damaged mech armor sparking within the staffroom of the empty school. 

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