The Vampire's Rebellion

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Clint smiled as he tossed an apple up and down, leaning against the desk of the empty classroom as the light of the setting sun slowly faded away, moving the shadows of the empty desks along the walls of the room. 

She was already there. Before the room could even note her presence, it was as if she had emerged out of the moving shadows as they did their slow march to the sunset's tune. As if she were Batman from the comic books. 

Well she was a bat in more ways than one. 

Ophelia stood, clutching her purse, as she stared at Clint. 

"The deal's off. I'm returning the merchandise.." said Ophelia. 

"Oh?" said Clint as he glimpsed the crates from before that were sitting behind Ophelia. "Did that particular trump card not perform well?"

"I haven't even opened the boxes and assembled it yet." said Ophelia. "My current shadow familiars are fine. I no longer wish to use them against Ben Tennyson."

Clint frowned. "I see hon. So in the end you decided to ally yourself with this supposed alliance between the Killer, The Alien and the Fairy.  And yet has it not occurred to you that this weapon you purchased could be used against your enemies still? Or do you really believe that dumb boy can ally with all 7 of you?"

Ophelia tilted her head to the side. "I don't know frankly. While I admit he has a level of.. attraction.. to him that gets my heart pumping, I don't know enough about him to judge that. However, I guess you could say.."

Ophelia smiled, and for the first time, it was not a playful or devious smile, but a genuine smile. "He reminds me so much of what a hero should be, should remain, I can't help but bet on him, even if the odds are against me."

Ophelia looked up at Clint. "You have no need to return my money, just take these products back to the shelf."

There was a pause as Clint continued to toss the apple up and down in his palm. "I take it you met Agent Akira and his group today. Erice actually hugged you afterwards and asked if you were okay. That must've been quite rare for you, to have someone worry for your well being."

"Have you been spying-?"

"Of course I've been spying hon, I'm a broker of the gods as well as the creator of the Attendants who serve your needs. I'm like a referee of sorts. Naturally I have to know everything." said Clint. "Akira has never been much of a problem. He'll never defeat the gods no matter how much he tries. Though what ticks me off is that after so many generations of Radiant Wars, how every hero finally accepts that they have no choice but to abandon their values and crush the innocent to survive. No matter how many times the gods... no.. how many times I myself try to drill that into your heads, every several generations or so an upstart like Tennyson Honey always turns up to be the alliance grubbing boy scout."

Ophelia's eyes slowly turned scarlet, her fangs somewhat extending as she backed away slowly, beads of sweat pouring down her beautiful fair skinned face. "Mr. Clint..? What are you-?"

Clint's face twisted into a horrid fury.. his brow scrunched up, his eyes flared, his pupils dilated.. his teeth clenched with anger. As opposed to the pretty man from before, he now looked like a demon with the way he was expressing himself. 

"Your infatuation with that watch wearing bug is not going to get in the way of my love's entertainment. You hear that honey?"

Ophelia glared fiercely at Clint. "Just what exactly are you?"

Clint laughed. "Oh honey, you haven't even scratched the service. All you need to know however, is your place. Either you all return to killing each other, or I start changing you out for some new blood. You dumb heroes always think because you reached the realm of the gods that you are above THE god who transcends all. You are all about to have a rude awakening Ophelia."

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