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"You are all my toys. My comfort, my meaning in life. Without you I am nothing-"

-Shub Niggurath 2016

Ophelia quietly stared out the window of her home. It was almost time for school. 

Today was the day Ben was supposed to come fight her. If he didn't do it today, then she would find them all as promised and kill them for the sake of her world.

Ophelia's eyes dimmed. Her hands were shaking before her very  eyes. She had resolved that she would fight at full strength if Ben didn't come to meet her, which she was sure would happen. 

However if Ben had the courage to face her head on today, then she might hold back. No she would still try to win, but... but..

Ophelia's eyes scrunched up as tears began to well up. She knew how Clint thought. Nothing unnecessary. That's how he was.  If she died things would be okay, and if Ben lost, the battle would continue. 

The most miserable of win win situations one could think of.  How strange. 

Ophelia sighed and put her school bag over her shoulder before heading to the front door.  "Lets get this over with. After all. Today might be my last day, I should enjoy it."


They approached the school quietly, the two of them not wearing their school uniforms at all. 

One wore normal street clothes

The other wore his kimono with a katana sheathed at his side. 

"Not a bad look." said Hanzo as he looked over the new green jacket that Ben was wearing that had a number 10 on the front and a white stripe. "Looks different from your usual."

Ben smiled slightly. "Don't know ,this thing's just been hanging in my closet for a while and yet, it feels right. "

"Like my kimono. Really defines us I guess. Though that big number 10 is sorta overselling it don't you think?" asked Hanzo.

"Nah, feels just like me." Ben grinned as he held up the Omnitrix on his wrist which was now glowing brightly. "And what do you know. Just like we thought.."

Standing at the school entrance was none other than Eliza in her Mech suit, glowering silently and one other familiar foe.

"SixSix." Ben growled. "So you're the other one huh?"

The Alien Mercenary and Mad Mecha suit wearing scientist didn't respond for a moment, they merely glared at the duo approaching the school. 

"Tsk.." Eliza finally broke the silent. "I knew something was real wrong. When the Professor came here and suddenly finds that everyone but him got the memo that school was cancelled?  The fuck? How did you do that?"

"Well we made a few frenemies." said Ben, holding up the cellphone that Akira had given him before. "Let's just say this world isn't as okay with your gods using it as a battlefield as you think it is."

"My gods?" Eliza smirked. "Don't think that I answer to those twerps.  They agreed to let me have revenge against Erice The Tsunami and achieve my goals. That's all this alliance is based on."

"And you?" Hanzo growled, looking at SixSix. "Revenge against Ben 10? That what ya want? Jetpack weirdo?"

"Gata muurando ta." said SixSix."


"Don't bother asking, doesn't speak any Earth Language." said Ben. "Doubt the blessing the gods gave us works on his language either."

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