Three Times a Charm

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The small dojo-like home in the South Residential District of Sato City was dark as Hanzo sat in his kimono, meditating quietly on the floor in the middle of the room as a pot of incense burned before him. 

Calmly he breathed in the scent of the incense for a few moments, before his eyes flickered open, glowing slightly like a cat's. 

He spoke out, not betraying even a hint of any emotion other than calm. 

"You've been watching me for a bit. " said Hanzo. "If you're planning on ambushing me, I assure you that you've lost the element of surprise quite a long time ago. 

Suddenly, a large beast made of stone exploded out of the wall behind Hanzo. It's body was buff, with massive clawed arms. And it's idol-like design bore strange glowing purple runes all over its body, as it hurled its massive rocky fist at Hanzo.

Hanzo sighed lazily. "seriously? That's it? Boring."

There was a flash of a silvery blade as suddenly, Hanzo was standing behind the rock monster, which stopped in confusion, before it's body slid in half from the cleanest of slashes and crumbled to dust upon the floor. 

"If that was to test my strength, that couldn't have been more of an insult. Might as well have thrown as rubber dog toy at my face and called it a decent attack." said Hanzo. "So why don't you come out and get serious already?" 

"HAHAHAHA! Well well sisters! Looks lilke this guy really does think real highly of himself doesn't he?"

"Ohhhh welllll.. I suppossssse. Sooooorrrta?" 

"Logically speaking, he has reason to be sure of himself. The Professor did send us after him after all, not any of the other two. We're obviously the most powerful, even singularly by ourselves. He must not want to take chances with the Killer."

"Three?" Hanzo muttered as sure enough smoke surrounded him, and then cleared to reveal three girls surrounding him. 

All the girls were near identical in build and appearance. All of them were silver haired beautiful teenagers with tan skin and violet eyes. Any ordinary man who looked upon them would be instantly charmed by their slender figures and cute faces. 

However, the way each of them dressed and managed their appearances were all quite different. 

The first one stood with her hands on her hips, grinning in a pleased tomboyish manner, wearing a short small red jacket vest over a breast band made of bandages. She also wore very short denim shorts and a set of dark red leather high knee boots. Her hair was also done into a short side pony tail, and she had a belly button piercing in the shape of a silver serpent. 

"Charmcaster NOVA!!" she exclaimed, doing a piece sign. "Best Charm Caster here ya stupid sword fuck!! HAHAHA!"

The second of the triplets wasn't even standing, and instead rode on the back of one of the stone creatures from before. She wore a heavy blue scarf over a gray heavy jacket, her mouth covered by the large winter clothes, and a pair of blue house slippers. In fact the jacket was definitely too big for her as it covered up her arms completely with its long floppy sleeves. 

Her face bore a perpetually dead fish eye bored expression, and her hair was longer than any of the three, her bangs almost covering her eyes just barely. 

"Yaaaaay.." Moaned the second girl. "I'm.. uhhhhhhh.. Charmcaster.. Hydra.. ignore me.. I honestly just wanna sleep.. "

The third girl had neatly combed hair done in a short straight cut hairstyle with straight cut bangs. She wore a set of rimless glasses and a lab coat over a green sweater and a neat black skirt with high knee black socks and neat walking shoes.  

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