The Demon

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"Hey Cynthia, are you done yet?"

The woman looked up as her boss eyed her from behind her cubicle's divider. She adjusted her medical mask, trying to get past the man's irritated glare so that she could remain understanding of his situation. 

Everyone was on edge today. Thanks to Covid, the work atmosphere coming back to physical offices after so long was tense at best. Nobody was eager to really get close to one another, and the board of directors were being jerks to the workers who actually felt strongly about it. Fact of the matter was, even during the recent Tokyo Olympics, the return to society was a Government supported issue, but not a public supported issue, with many being against the olympics taking place in general. 

The girl understood this and therefore continued to look at the glaring manager with as cheerful a smile that could be translated over from under her mask as she could muster. "Yes, I'll have those reports to you as soon as possible senpai! "

The man's gaze softened and turned apologetic. "S-sorry for snapping, you do good work Cynthia-chan."

Cynthia nodded, and continued typing on her computer. 

Cynthia was not her actual name of course, but she had long learned by now the name Dragfeld of the Demon Realm was not a name you wanted to utter out here unless you wanted to be put into a rubber room or declared a Chuuni. 

In all honesty, it was VERY difficult. She was still unskilled in the blending of this type of human society, where magic didn't exist on paper.  As soon as she found herself in this world, unlike the other Contestents of the Radiant War,  Dragfeld had found herself with all her old memories, and no false ones, just her own house.

It was her immense Mana Resistance that made her mind immune to tinkering of any sort, and as a result the gods just had to live with the fact that Dragfeld knew who she was, and now had NO experience in talking to humans due to a lack of implanted memories to teach her as it had been with someone like the Killer Hanzo.

But at the very least, her Backer had taught her to get a job and act properly at work where socializing wasn't required if you kept things strictly business.

Well it helped that she was extremely beautiful. 

In reality, Dragfeld was only 16 in age, but her unusually beautiful form, along with her rather large chest helped sell her as an older woman who was far more mature than what Dragfeld really was.  She suspected her Demonic blood affected her human side's appearance.

Dragfeld continued to type away on her keyboard as the sun started to sink more and more on the horizon. 


Dragfeld's eyes went wide.. 

She sensed it. The sensation. She had felt it before, but not in such a fashion  like this.

"One Radiance, Two Radiances, both activated at once, in one location!?" Dragfeld whispered to herself. "Th-that's impossible. What kind of devilry is this?"

Dragfeld's blue eyes turned yellow as red tinted around the edges.

She stood up from her chair, now incredibly silent. 

"Cy-Cynthia, what are you-!?" Her boss stammered.

"I'm sorry sir, this won't take but a moment.." Dragfeld murmured as she walked into the elevator.

Moments before the door completely closed, her boss gave a start, as he could've sworn that the girl had just grown a pair of ram-like horns, one of the horns being broken near the base.

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