The Vampire's Disagreement

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"And we are a go."

Inside the dark reconnaissance truck disguised as a moving van, Detective Akira Watanabe watched, his chin resting on his clasped hands, as his face leaned into the screen of the security footage of the mall.

The light of the footage reflected like white light on his round glasses as behind him he could hear the clear bubbling sips of his partner, exhausted sighs soon following after the short escapade into the caffeinated beverage. 

"Honestly." muttered the woman's voice as the sound of a cardboard Starbucks cup plopped down on the desk that was alit with the light of the gadgets that filled the dark space, a space filled with the silhouettes of cops with headphones, their ghostly lit fingers typing away on the instruments.  "I don't get it. After 50 years of unsolved incidents in Sato City, what makes you think that we'll finally get results Watanabe-kun?"

"Because this time around we know what kind of combatants the rumored contest employs." said Akira as he sipped his own coffee. "Tell me Anna, what did they tell you before they assigned you to my case?"

"That for 50 years, mysterious incidents have perpetuated throughout Sato City. Mysterious disappearances. People who shouldn't exist existing one moment then disappearing without memory of their existence. Disastrous incidents that were suddenly wiped clean. If you ask me its pretty hokey, since the witnesses are few."

"The witnesses are few, but the signs are still there, In fact there is evidence to suggest that this strangeness in Sato City has gone on for more than the 50 years that we started to become aware. Its only thanks to the Secret Task force formed under the UN and the JSDF that was originally formed to deal with incidents with witnesses that have bad memory, or incidents that have little to no evidence, that we are starting to become aware of this supernatural incident,  but have good reason to believe might have happened."

"Right, the original 'Hard Case International Squad, dealing with strange cases of missing persons, or serious cases that have little to go on." said Anna. "Though now it's the Japan Branch of the Supernatural Case Bureau."

"Indeed." said Akira. "The fact you know what we do here should already make it plainly obvious that whatever is regarded as hokey, is most of the time not at all untrue. Crazy things exist all over."

"Okay then. What makes you think that the bait we set up at the mall will work after 50 years of investigations into this? Even the case of the Kyoka Church Devil only lasted 7 months before there was a break in the case."  said Anna. 

"Again, because we now know what type of Contest the Mysterious Contest of Sato is." Akira said. "Rather we know what type of players that the administrators of this contest are after whenever they start another round."

"Which are?" asked Anna. 

"Heroes." said Akira. 

"What?" Anna said. 

"New evidence came to light about a few months ago. We got some footage on the Dimension Isolated Cameras: A mysterious girl with the ability to manipulate water engaged in battle with a sword wielding samurai." said Akira. "There was plenty of damage in the area, and yet no casualties. There was even one segment of the footage where the girl and the Samurai waited for innocent bystanders to move away. And our one witness who we managed to have remember using our Hypnotic Interrogation, before her memory was wiped by a mysterious divine force, she said the Water Girl saved her from falling rubble.  "

"That's hardly what I'd call evidence." muttered Anna. 

"That it would be, if this was the first case. There were at least 12 different instances of footage over the last 20 years, since the Dimension Isolated Cameras were first invented for studying God Made Phenomena, where innocent bystanders to our Mysterious Contest, were saved by the contestants, who also sometimes went out of their way to help in situations that didn't involve them." said Akira. 

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