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The voice echoed in his head, as if coming from  super super far away.

"Ben!! Wake up!!"

"No.. Gwen, five more minutes, go bother Kevin instead.." 

"Who the heck is Gwen!?! Ben-kun if you don't wake up I'm going to toss your breakfast in your face!!"

"Snrrggff huh, wha!?" Ben awoke as somebody began pulling him out of bed by the ear.  "What's going on!? Where's the bomb!?"

Mika glared at Ben, sitting at the foot of the bed in one of Erice's guest rooms. "Staying in a girl's house!.. yggggggh! Benjamin Kirby Tennyson!! What kind of debauchery did you get into!?"

"I-it was nothing like that!" Ben stammered.  "I happened to fall in the canal so she offered me a place to dry off!"

"And what were you doing AT said canal!?" Mika growled. "Tell me that!"

"M-Mika jeez you're like an old mother hen!!" Ben stammered. "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk okay!! Me and Erice aren't like that!!"

Suddenly, in probably the most 'not helping' fashion of all time, Erice walked by in a bathrobe. But i was loose so it was parted enough at the top that Ben could see from her belly button all the way to her cleavage and collar bone where her yin yang tattoo was. 

"Yo.." said Erice irritably. "Your 'friend' broke in and made breakfast before I could even call the cops on her. I can't make food worth shit, so I don't mind. Shower's ready if you want it."

Mika's face went completely red. "H-Have you no shame!?"

"What?" Erice blinked then noticed what Mika and Ben were staring at before going pink herself and hastily pulling her robe shut. "G-get your brain out of the gutter Yorimoto!! He's a friend in need and I'm letting him stay over, that's all!"

"Hmph!!" Mika turned her head up at Erice haughtilly before stomping off into the hall.

At that moment, Tay of all people walked right by, and grinned at Ben, winking and giving him a thumbs up. "Good job! No better way to keep the net tightly closed on a big fish then moving on to stage three before stages one and two have even begun!"

"Tay you're going to be single forever aren't you?" Ben muttered. "AND WHY ARE YOU HERE TOO!?"

"Mika." said Tay with a shrug. 

"Of course."

The dining room was occupied now by a Mika's American dishes as Erice, still in her bathrobe, had her head on the table, looking like she'd rather still be in bed. 

Tay was sitting next to her, looking prim and proper as ever as he loaded Erice's plate with eggs. "So, Tsukuyomi-san! I've been wondering! How did you and Ben hit it off?"

Erice let out a tired groan. "It ain't like that Tatsumi.  Ugh, it's too early for this. But anyways, the doofus walked into the damn canal and I pulled him out, that's all. Let him use my shower so he could clean off."

"Yes, yes, of course, that's all that happened." Said Tay, giving Erice a wink.

"I don't like that look on your face that says you believe the complete opposite." Erice grumbled. "I kind of wanna punch you now."

"Oh come now! I'm a man with glasses!"

"Yeah, it'll make the punch all the more satisfying." said Erice, drowsily popping her knuckles. 

"Tsukuyomi-san, try not to be so violent at breakfast please!" said Mika sternly as she walked in, wearing a cooking apron that she must've brought from home. 

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