A Look Into Another World

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"By the way." Hanzo muttered as he and Ben sat down, setting a Starbucks takeout back on the table of the school library. "Been meaning to ask boss. What was that thing with Shocksquatch back there? he transformed, became way stronger."

"Oh that?" Ben said. "Like my memories are still coming back, but that was the Ultimatrix Feature. It puts my aliens through a simulation that shows what would happen to them if they went through millions of years of all out universal civil war."

"A simulated Worse Case Scenario Darwinism type thing." said Hanzo. "I see, and as a result all the aliens become naturally more combative." 

"Yep." said Ben. "Plus they can survive in more different environments, cause it is a universal war after all, so they have to be able to go to other planets to fight."

"Explains why Ultimate Shocksquatch had so much utility to the way he controlled the electricity around him." Hanzo muttered. 

"Okay, my turn for a question." said Ben. "Why are we at the school library? I mean its not like any of us like to look for an excuse to put our uniforms back on."

"It's a school day." said Hanzo with a shrug as he began pulling both his and Ben's coffees out of the bag. 

"Well yeah, but.. I mean, you made it sound like this was the place to find info." said Ben.

"Shhh.." Hanzo held up a finger for quiet as Tay walked by, discussing something with a member of the student council. He then continued in undertone. 

"Yeah, there is stuff. Notice how Ophelia still came to school today?"

"How could I not notice?" Ben murmured, looking slowly over his shoulder at where the very vampire herself was sitting alone all the way on the other side of the library, a cup of tea in her hand, her face expressionless as she seemed to merely study her math text book quietly.  "Meanwhile Erice had to call in sick. Are you sure she's safe back at your place?"

"I'm a demon hunter in my world." said Hanzo. "Both yokais and humans call me a Murderer for good reason.  I still know how to make wards and sealing spells. If any of the other heroes try to invade my territory while I'm not around, they're in for a real bad time, and they know it cause with the exception of you and Erice, all of them HAVE tried.  They're not particularly eager to travel in vicinity of any part of where I live."

"Huh, nice." said Ben. "Think you  could do those ward things on my place?"

"I already did last night." said Hanzo. "Its important when you fight a war like this that you do so with a mindset that anywhere where you aren't at is already a weak point. So you cover them."

"So Erice's house is also-?"

"Yep." said Hanzo. "But the ones at my house are stronger. I won't leave her at her own home since it seems like the enemy has a way to seal our Radiance. And on that note, I do want to know, did you recognize the guy who came after you?"

"Girl, and no. She claimed to know Erice though."

"Must've been a villain from Erice's own world then. And I met a villain from your world too, some girls calling themselves Charmcaster."

"Charmcaster!? Wait, there's only one of her I think." said Ben. "I can't really remember, my memories about my villains right now are fuzzy at best."

"Long story." said Hanzo. "As for the one who took Erice, it's probably safe to assume that it was either a person from my world or yours. Using villains who have a grudge against us, but convincing them to only directly fight the allies who never met them while also powering them up a massive amount, it's a smart ploy. Gives the enemy pawns a motivation to fight for their king while also ensuring the enemy can actually get the job done."

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