Ben 10 V.S. Ophelia the Vampire Queen

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The radiant castle's interior did not leave its current residents any time to admire its contents.

For now, the stain glass windows and the floors were instantly shattered, as one of the residents, a full powered vampire woman with the power of Eldritch Gods,  began firing high powered giant spheres of purple energy surrounded by constantly churning black smoke down at her opponent. 

Ophelia, barely exerting any sort of effort, flicked her palm with sort of a uncaring attitude, sending her giant eldritch sphere blasts down at Ben, each sphere moving at massive high speed, looking like electric energy balls surrounded by blackness. 

Ben didn't waste any time, by the time the energy balls even left their master's palm, a flash of green light had already surrounded the boy, and XLR8 was zooming left and right as explosions followed his hyperspeed path. 

XLR8, becoming such an impossible blur that even Ophelia's full powered form had trouble tracking it, zoomed up the sides of the walls as the vampire gritted her fangs with slight irritability."

"Keeping a bigger distance this time?" Ophelia muttered as she flicked a finger, and a large black blade of eldritch power burst out in a crescent shape, cleaving a giant crevice across the ceiling.

"Can't be too cautious with Eldritch magic!" XLR8 exclaimed as he turned into several afterimages, avoiding the slash and then zooming down the wall behind Ophelia. 

"Who could've told you about my abilities I wonder.." Ophelia murmured as her face turned into a violent grin and she snapped her fingers, her feathery tendril breast coverings elongating into large shadowy arms with giant clawed hands that lashed in at XLR8 from both sides as he zoomed towards her from above. 

XLR8 grinned back before a flash of green light engulfed him, turning him into WaterHazard. 

WaterHazard twirled in mid air, creating a giant sphere of water around him, blasting back the two shadowy hands before exploded forward, and Ophelia lashed out both her hands, extending her dragon's talons. 

WaterHazard grabbed Ophelia's wrists to stop the attack as he landed in front of her, just next to the throne. 

Ophelia smirked at the watery Mollusk Man as if it answered her question. "Ahhhh, I see, Erice-san. Of course her powers are based in magic as well, it would only make sense for her to know about Eldritch Magic. Then she must've told you this was fruitless!"

Ophelia kicked WaterHazard in the chest.

There was a massive shockwave as WaterHazard's chest exoskeleton cracked, shards of his own powerful armor flying into the air as the alien bounced across the hall's floor, creating craters with each bodily impact. 

WaterHazard grabbed the floor with his clawed fingers after a few bounces, regaining his footing before firing water from his palms to propel himself away as one of Ophelia's tendrils extended into a giant hand again and smashed a raven feathered hand against the spot where the alien was before. 

There was a flash of green light and immediately, Humungousaur's hand grabbed the giant feathered one, pulling Ophelia forward through the air. 

"ROOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRR!!" Humungousaur hurled a punch at Ophelia as she was left prone in the air. 

Ophelia's eyes flashed and she righted her body in mid air, hurling a punch of her own to meet Humungousaur's giant fist. 

A shockwave exploded out from between the duo as Humungousaur's eyes widened from witnessing Ophelia's apparent extreme physical power. 

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