Prank Day In Swellview 1

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(Ray and Charlotte are in the Man Cave, watching and laughing at pranks on Charlotte's phone. Henry comes down the tube.)

Henry: (walks toward them and sticks his tongue out) "Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Ray: (Turns around and does the same thing) "Wazaaaaaaaaaa!"

(Henry looks at Charlotte expectantly)

Charlotte: "$10 and I'll say it!"

(Henry hands her ten dollars)

Charlotte: (Takes the money with a smile) "Wow, thank you so much, Henry. How very generous of you!" (Walks away and Henry's mouth hangs open in shock)

Ray: "Ha! She pranked you good! Good one, Charlotte!"

Charlotte: "Yeah!"

Henry: "That wasn't a prank, you just tricked me out of my money."

Ray: "It too was a prank. It's Prank Day in Swellview and anything goes."

Henry: (Closes both hands in front of his nose in confusion) "I'm sorry, it's what day now?"

Charlotte: "It's Prank Day in Swellview. People go around pranking other people until the day ends. It's fun especially when I get money out of it."

Henry: (Points a finger) "Still wasn't a prank."

Ray: "Who cares? Look, Kid, I need you to help me pull the ultimate prank on the whole of Swellview."

Henry: "What kinda prank you have in mind, buddy?"

Ray: (Stands up and walks over to the couch) "How about we give em the shock of their lives?"

Henry: "I cannot help but love where this is going."

Charlotte: "I cannot help but dread where this is going."

Ray: "We are gonna prank Swellview into thinking that Bordertown has moved away and so everyone can go live there now – for free."

Henry: (Chuckles and fist bumps Ray) "Nice! I love that idea. Let's do that idea!"

Charlotte: (Visibly worried) "Are you two crazy?"

Ray: "I'm sorry, what?"

Charlotte: "Don't you realize that pitting Bordertown against Swellview is crossing the line?"

Henry: "Yeah, we do want to cross the line. . ."

Ray: "Over to Bordertown. . . with the biggest most baddest prank in the history of biggest most baddest pranks."

Henry: (laughs) "Nice one, bro."

(The elevator door opens and Japser walks in)

Jasper: (Sticks his tongue out) "Wazaaaaaaaaaa!"

Henry and Ray: "Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

(Jasper looks expectantly at Charlotte)

Charlotte: "$10 and I'll say it."

Henry: (To Jasper) "Dude, it's a trick."

Jasper: "No, it's not." (Hands Charlotte ten dollars)

Charlotte: (Smiles warmly) "Thank you, Jasper."

(Henry sighs and Ray laughs at Jasper, who is still waiting for Charlotte to do the greeting thing)

Ray: "Good one again, Charlotte."

Charlotte: "Yeah. Now, listen to me. . ."

Jasper: (Raises a hand) "I do not know what is going on, but I know that we should never listen to Charlotte."

(Charlotte glares at him)

Henry: "Dude, we're gonna prank Bordertown."

Jasper: "Why?"

Henry: "Cause it's Prank Day in Swellview."

Jasper: "Oh, my mom mentioned it this morning. She pranked me into waiting outside the bathroom for an hour."

Ray: "How did she do that?"

Jasper: "Turned the shower on and left her phone in there playing music." (whispers harshly) "I thought it was occupied."

Henry: "You've already been pranked once and still you fell for Charlotte's?"

Jasper: (Gasps and looks at Charlotte who shrugs) "You pranked me? Good one, Charlotte!"

Ray: (To Henry) "Let's go get ready to pull the biggest most baddest prank. . ."

Henry: "In the history of biggest most baddest pranks."

Jasper: "I do not know what is going on, but let's go."

(The trio hoot and exit, leaving Charlotte alone.)

Charlotte: "At least, I got $20 out of this."

(Scene closes )

(Open theme plays)


It all just kinda happened.

I wanted an after school job, but then an indestructible superhero hired me to be his sidekick.

Now, we blow bubbles and fight crime - feels gooooooooood

Captain Man – Call it

Kid Danger – Up the tube! Aw, my boots

Captain Man – Ha!

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