The Rep-Watch Craze 1

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(In the Man Cave; Schwoz and Henry are watching a movie whilst Ray is trying to lift a bunch of weightless weights invented by Schwoz)

Henry: (Taps Schwoz) "Hey, hey, hey. How long has Ray been trying to lift one of those?"

Schwoz: (Looks at his wrist watch) "Er, about twenty minutes now. He's never going to lift it." (Snickers wickedly)

Henry: "You invented them and made them extra heavy, didn't you?"

Schwoz: (Beams) "Yes?!"

Henry: "If they're so heavy, then why did you even call them weightless weights?"

Schwoz: (Sighs) "Because if people believed they're not heavy, they would buy them."

Henry: (Squints in confusion) "I don't get it. Weights are supposed to be heavy, and yet you make even heavier ones and trick people into believing they're weightless? What kinda idiot would believe that?"

Schwoz: (laughs and gestures over his shoulder at Ray) "There's one over there."

(The elevator dings and Jasper walks in holding a chip)

Jasper: (Excitedly) "Guys, guess what?"

(Henry and Schwoz groan)

Jasper: (Whines) "Hey, hear me out!"

Henry: "Fine, what is it?"

Jasper: "I was having chips for lunch and I found one that's shaped like a hotdog."

Henry: (gets up immediately) "No way! A hotdog-shaped chip!"

Jasper: "Yep! I'm going to sell it online for a hundred bucks."

Henry: "Make that two hundred!"

Jasper: "We're gonna be rich!" (He notices Ray and frowns then points) "Uh, what's Ray doing?"

Henry: (Grunts) "Schwoz invented a bunch of weightless weights which are in fact heavier than normal, and Ray has been trying to lift one."

Schwoz: (Snickers) "He's never going to lift it!"

Henry: "Yeah, you said that before."

Schwoz: "I know I did! I know I did!"(frowns)

Jasper: "When I get my two hundred bucks, I'm gonna buy two more Rep-Watches."

Henry: "Jasper, you already bought six of those."

Jasper: "Now ,I want two more."

Schwoz: "What's a Reap Vuch?"

Henry: "A Rep-Watch! It's this cool new wrist watch that comes in different tie-dye colors. It tells time from every time zone in the world all at once."

Jasper: (looks at his own watch proudly) "Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's 7:31 right now in Hawaii."

Henry: "Yeah. It also has an in-built body spray, an air conditioner, and live feed videos of Mars."

Ray: (Drops the weight) "Live feed videos of Mars?"

(The weight lands on his feet and Ray screams in agony)

Henry: "Yeah, I just made up that last part but those watches are the coolest." (laughs)

Schwoz: "How come I don't have a Reap Vuch?"

Jasper: "You're wearing one right now, Schwoz!"

Schwoz: (Looks at his wrist watch then hums in approval) "I do have one!"

Jasper: "And when you click that yellow button on the screen, it automatically turns on the air conditioner."

Henry: "And the body spray!"

Ray: (Screams) "Jasper! This is all your fault! These weights broke my toe!"

Jasper: (Surprised) "M-Me? What did I do? I've been standing right here."

(While Ray limps around trying to catch Jasper. Schwoz turns on his air conditioner)

Schwoz: (Sighs satisfactorily and leans back in his chair) "I could use two more of these. That's a strange smell for body spray."

Henry: (Goes to sit next to Schwoz then turns his A/C and body spray on) "Smells like lime and Ray's guacamole."

Schwoz: (Laughs and stares at Ray and Jasper still running about in the Man Cave) "You know, there's a setting on those weights that reduce how heavy they are. I just set Ray's at 80%."

Henry: "That's mischievous." (Smiles) "I like it! I like it!"

Schwoz: (frowns) "Did you just repeat yourself? Did you just repeat yourself?"

Henry: (sits up) "Why did you repeat yourself? Why did you repeat yourself?" (Gasps) "I'm repeating myself! I'm repeating myself!"

Schwoz: (stares wide eyed at Henry) "There's something wrong with us. There's something wrong with us."

(The elevator dings and opens. Charlotte barges in looking alarmed)

Charlotte: "Is it just me or have I been saying stuff twice? Is it just me or have I been saying stuff twice?"

(Ray and Jasper stop their chase and stare at Charlotte questioningly)

Ray: "What's your problem?"

Henry: "Ray, we think something's wrong! Ray, we think something's wrong!"

Ray: "I heard you the first time, kid! What's wrong?"

Charlotte: "I've been repeating myself for the past twelve hours." (Clasps her hand over her mouth to stop talking then suddenly bites her fingers and yelps in pain) "I've been repeating myself for the past twelve hours."

Ray: (limps towards Charlotte) "If something's wrong then why am I not repeating myself?"

Henry: "We don't know! We don't know! Jasper, say something! Jasper, say something!"

Jasper: (dumbfounded) "Uh, my chip is awesome! Uh, my chip is awesome!" (Clasps his mouth shut)

Ray: (Looks bewildered) "Whoa!"

(Scene closes and open them plays)

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