Henry Hearts Charlotte 3

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(In the Man Cave; Ray and Schwoz team up against Henry and Charlotte. Ray and Henry go first and Henry purposely breaks the rules twice)

Ray: (shrieks triumphantly at Henry) "Ha! You caught the ball again!"

Charlotte: (infuriated) "That's because volleyballs aren't supposed to be that big."

Henry: "dude, that thing could flip my liver inside out!"

(Ray strikes the ball which roughly knocks a distracted Henry out of the circle. Ray dances around victoriously whilst Charlotte runs over to check on Henry)

Charlotte: (gently grabs Henry's arm) "are you okay?"

Henry: (flinches nervously) "uh, i'm fine. I'm okay."

Charlotte: (frowns at Henry's attitude) "You've been acting weird. Are you sure nothing's wrong?"

Henry: (staggers to his feet) "Yeah, i'm fine." (brushes off his shirt and points to Schwoz) "it's your turn now."

Charlotte: (growls at Schwoz) "I'm playing against Ray."

Schwoz: (whines sadly) "but i haven't had a turn since the game started."

Jasper: (vigorously blows the whistle at Schwoz) "Let her play against Ray. Off the play area. Now!" (Blows whistle again)

Schwoz: (yelps and reluctantly moves away) "I don't recall tetherballs including whistles."

Jasper: (blows whistle again) "Off!"

Schwoz: (scrambles to a corner) "Aiiii! Alright!"

Ray: (takes his place) "ready to lose, Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "are you?"

(The others "oooh". At the whistle, Ray strikes the ball hard, Charlotte quickly counters and the ball knocks Ray out of the circle)

Charlotte: "yesss!" (squeals and goes over to Henry for a team hug but he pretentiously wriggles away)

Ray: (disoriented) "that was just one time!"

Charlotte: "Of course. Let's go again!"

(Charlotte strikes the ball and Ray counters. After three successful wraps by Ray, the ball whizzes towards Charlotte but Henry quickly pushes her away and gets smacked instead)

Ray: (to Henry with widespread arms) "dude, it's not your turn!"

Charlotte: (alarmed) "RAY?"

Ray: "what?"

Charlotte: "that strike would've flipped my liver inside out!"

Ray: "yeah and Henry ruined it!"

Charlotte: "RAY!"

Ray: "Fine. You can play against Schwoz this time. Bunch of big babies."

Jasper: "Schwoz, you're back in." (Goes over to Henry) "you alright, Hen?"

Henry: (groans while clutching his torso) "I think my bladder is facing the wrong direction."

Jasper: "your bladder can be fixed later. You have a game to lose. Quit whining."

Henry: (sarcastically) "I'm trying my best."

Charlotte: (kneels next to Henry) "thanks for pushing me outta the way. That thing probably would've knocked me out cold."

Henry: "you're welcome."

Charlotte: "need a hand?" (Stretches her hand toward Henry. Jasper does the same and Henry accepts his. This causes Charlotte to frown again)

Jasper: "alright. It's Henry against Schwoz. Ray, you're not allowed to make snarky comments in this round."

Ray: "when did i ever...?"

Jasper: (interrupts with his whistle) "Let's go!"

(Henry plays against Schwoz and gets smacked out of the circle two more times thereby losing the game. Schwoz and Ray celebrate while the remaining trio camp around the couch)

Charlotte: "We should've won that game."

Henry: (strained) "yeah, some of us did our best."

Jasper: "yeah, you did great, Charlotte!" (hugs her and walks over to Ray and Schwoz)

Henry: "that's unfair. I got smacked in the guts several times. Give me some credit."

Charlotte: (raises her brow suspiciously) "yeah, you did pretty great getting smacked like that. Good game. Even though now i don't get to eat at Montego's."

Henry: "ah, Ray's probably gonna bail on Schwoz and go alone. You know how much he loves the steak."

Charlotte: "yeah, sure i do." (Stares at Henry's arm around his body) "do you want to get that all bandaged up because you probably broke a lot of bones."

Henry: (looks down) "yeah maybe."

Charlotte: (attempts to leave) "Great. I'll get some bandages."

Henry: "what? No! It's fine. I'll just do it myself."

Charlotte: (halts) "why? Is something wrong with me wanting to do it?"

Henry: "N-no!"

Charlotte: "Then why are you complaining?"

Henry: "I'm not complaining."

Charlotte: "Yes, you are."

Henry: "No, i'm not."

Charlotte: "If you're not, then it's okay for me to help."

Henry: "I don't need your help!"

Charlotte: "why have you been acting weird?"

Henry: "hmm?"

Charlotte: "why have you been acting weird?"

Henry: "I've been acting normal."

Charlotte: "That's not true."

Henry: "Yes, it is!"

Charlotte: "No, it's not."

Jasper: (blows whistle at the pair) "Enough bickering, you two. If you wanna talk, go up to Junk N Stuff. We're about to have a party down here."

Henry: "p-party?" (looks around and is shocked by the presence of numerous guests)

Charlotte: (stunned) "how did all of these people get here?"

Jasper: "Schwoz invited them."

Henry: "why is there gonna be a party?"

Jasper: "Ray's gonna celebrate the fact that you lost at tetherball."

Charlotte: "he's not celebrating the fact that he won?"

Jasper: "Nope!"

Henry: "hey uh, Jasper can you help me bandage my broken bones? I think i broke a lot of bones."

Jasper: "I can't. I'm gonna be too busy helping Schwoz get the guests settled."

Henry: (sighs) "what about Ray?"

Jasper: "he's taking a shower! Hey, Charlotte can do it. Right, Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "That's what i've been suggesting."

Jasper: "it's settled then. Charlotte will help you out."

(Henry glares at Jasper who shrugs innocently. The scene closes)

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