Henry Hearts Charlotte 4

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(Charlotte walks into Junk N Stuff but stops halfway to glare at Henry who was slowly and reluctantly following from behind)

Charlotte: "can you walk any faster?"

Henry: (drags his feet lazily) "no, my bones have been broken repeatedly because of a hostile game of tetherball."

Charlotte: (crosses her arms) "You can at least walk a bit faster than that."

Henry: (strains) "I'm trying."

(Charlotte goes behind the counter and fishes around for bandages. She pulls out a first aid box painted yellow)

Charlotte: "whose idea was it to paint this first aid box yellow?"

Henry: (examines the box) "looks pretty cool to me."

Charlotte: "uh huhn, bet it was Jasper's idea." (Pulls stuff out of the box whilst pretentiously watching Henry)

Henry: "have you ever uh, done first aid before?"

Charlotte: "yeah, my uncle Rosco cut his elbow once. I had to use tons of bandages."

Henry: "ahn, cause Rosco's really large."

Charlotte: "that's the word. Now pull up your shirt."

Henry: "what?"

Charlotte: "you know i can't place bandages across your broken bones until you take your shirt off."

Henry: (uncomfortable) "uhhhhhhh."

Charlotte: "Henry?"

Henry: "what?"

Charlotte: (sighs and drops the bandages) "what's going on?"

Henry: "nothing, nothing! What do you mean what's going on? Nothing's going on. Nothing!"

Charlotte: "I can tell you're hiding something. We've been best friends for years. You shouldn't keep secrets."

Henry: "I'm not keeping any secrets. I'm uh, just trying to deal with the pain."

(Jasper joins them wearing a party hat holding a cup of punch with a tiny volleyball inside)

Jasper: (cheerful) "hey guys, how's uh, how's Henry doing?"

Charlotte: "I don't know, he won't tell me."

Henry: "dude, what's in your drink?"

Jasper: (looks into his cup then smiles) "oh that's just a tiny volleyball. Schwoz called them Party-Favors-Drink-Flavors. To celebrate your loss, Ray had Schwoz make these. They're like little containers for flavors of all kinds. I think mine's mango."

Charlotte: "all flavors?"

Jasper: "yeah, all flavors!"

Charlotte: (drops the bandages) "I want a Party-Favors-Drink-Flavors."

Jasper: (points over his shoulder) "There's like tons of them in the Man Cave."

(Charlotte sprints for the Man Cave leaving Jasper and Henry behind)

Jasper: "Oh look, Charlotte forgot to put bandages on you. Wait, why didn't she?"

Henry: (groans) "I didn't let her and now she's suspicious of me."

Jasper: "why is she suspicious?"

Henry: "cause i've been acting weird around her. I just can't help it. It feels weird."

Jasper: (chuckles) "what? It feels weird that you're in love with Charlotte?"

Henry: (with his mouth agape) "dude, stop saying it out loud."

Jasper: (shrugs) "why? It's the truth and don't you deny it."

Henry: "I'm not denying it but i just can't tell her yet."

Jasper: "you're afraid of how she'll react?"

Henry: "yeah i guess so!"

Jasper: (leans on the counter) "Have you even wondered if there was the slightest possibility that she feels the same way?"

Henry: (hesitates for a long time) "I don't know buddy. She might not or even if she does, that'll probably makes things a lot harder."

Jasper: "No, it'll make it easier. I've never really understood girls but what i do understand about them is that if they like you back, it's easier to approach them."

Henry : (leans back to stare at Jasper) "hmm!"

Jasper: "what?"

Henry: "how do you know so much about girls all of a sudden?"

Jasper: (chuckles) "I don't know but i think you really should tell her. Don't let her think she makes you uncomfortable otherwise she'll keep her distance and that won't be good."

Henry: "yeah you're right. I should tell her."

Jasper: "duh, now pull your shirt up and i can fix up those ribs so they'd last long enough to hold your heart when Charlotte breaks it by refusing you."

Henry: (alarmed) "Jasper!"

Jasper: "come on dude, i was just kidding."

Henry: (mutters) "that's something Piper would tease me about."

(The scene closes with Charlotte looking shocked whilst leaning against the wall, eavesdropping on the pair.)

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