The Splash Splash Fest 2

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(Jasper is behind the counter inside Junk 'N' Stuff flipping through a magazine. Two teenagers unexpectedly run in and splash buckets of water on him)

Teenagers: "Happy Splash Splash Fest!" (They giggle and leave the store in a hurry)

Jasper: "Hey, you two were supposed to knock." (looks down at himself) "I strongly believe that this is the same as a case of invasion of privacy."

(Charlotte comes from behind followed by Henry and Piper. They notice that Jasper is soaking wet)

Piper: (Looks up as if searching for something) "Jasper, did it rain in here?"

Jasper: "Ha ha, very funny. You know this is because of Splash Splash Fest."

Henry: "Dude, you haven't splashed anybody since the day started, but you've been splashed, what, like six times already."

Jasper: "I know. I even had to go bring extra extra clothes to work."

Charlotte: "The Double Splash Fest works both ways – splash and be splashed, but in your case it's been a one way street."

(Another teenager runs into the store and splashes Jasper with orange juice from a jug)

Teenager: (Giggling) "Happy Splash Splash Fest!"

Henry: (Laughing) "Dude, this holiday is literally in love with you."

Jasper: (Points a finger) "That kind of love is absolutely unhealthy!"

Piper: (Chuckles lightly) "Come on, we gotta go."

Jasper: "Wait, where are you guys going?"

Charlotte: "We're going to Henry's house so we can splash water on his dad."

Jasper: "Can I come too? I wanna splash water on Henry's dad. Just this once, I don't wanna be the target."

Henry: "Alright, we'll let you splash my dad, but you might wanna go change your clothes first buddy."

(Jasper excitedly leaves to change out of his wet clothes)

Charlotte: "Ah, poor Jasper."

Piper: "I know right. He hasn't splashed a single person yet."

Henry: "How did you come up with this holiday anyway?"

Charlotte: "Yeah, I wanted to ask that!"

Piper: "Oh, it was easy. See, I took dad's car to the car wash because he got muck all over his windscreen when I drove us back from Fred Lobster."

Henry: "Whose fault was that?"

Piper: "Cows that couldn't walk properly in the mud!"

Charlotte: "Hm, fair!"

Piper: "So this guy walks up to me at the car wash and goes, hey, you came to get your car washed? And I was like duh, why else would I come here? And he was like, I don't know, a splash fest? And the idea just popped in my head."

Henry: "That is insane!"

Piper: "I know!"

(Japser comes back out wearing fresh new outfits)

Jasper: "I changed my clothes. Now, let's go splash Henry's dad cause I got my splash on."

Henry: "Yeah dude, come on!"

(As they all step outside, a small group of boys hose Jasper until he is soaking wet once more)

Charlotte: "Did you get your splash on, or did you get splashed on?"

(They laugh at Jasper as he stares helplessly at himself)

Jasper: "I haven't gotten any more extras." (Cries out) "Why is this happening to me?"

Henry: "I got you, bud. Come on, you can change over at my house. I can lend you some of my clothes."

Jasper: "And your underwear?"

Henry: (sarcastically) "Yeah, and my toothbrush and my dental floss as well."

Jasper: (dryly) "I think I get your point!"

Charlotte: "I'm happy you do."

(Scene closes)

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