Ladies Love Cool Henry 3

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(At Junk N Stuff, Jasper is behind the counter arranging a pack of large cards. Charlotte pushes the door open)

Charlotte: (screams) "Jasper!"

Jasper: (Throws the cards up and they rain down on him, knocking him on the head) "Okay, can you say my name quietly next time? It took me half an hour to get these cards together."

Charlotte: (Walks over to the counter) "We have an issue. Come with me to the Man Cave."

Jasper: "I have to finish stacking up these cards."

Charlotte: (urgently) "Forget about the cards. Henry's not safe."

Jasper: "What? What, what happened to Henry?"

Charlotte: (Groans and grabs him by the collar) "Just, come on!"

(They go down the elevator. In the Man Cave, Schwoz and Ray are playing mini golf)

Ray: "Hey, you guys!"

Charlotte: (panicked) "Ray, Schwoz, we have to help Henry right now. There's an emergency."

Schwoz: "Why? What happened to Henry?"

Jasper: "Yeah, I asked the same thing, but she won't say. . ."

Charlotte: "Piper sent me a video of Henry at their house about an hour ago. He is being mobbed by a really large group of girls right now."

Ray: "Kay? What's the emergency?"

Charlotte: (agitated) "A bunch of crazy teenage girls are gonna rip Henry in half."

Schwoz: "That's not an emergency, Charlotte. Let the boy enjoy some time with his fangirls."

Charlotte: "His what?"

Jasper: "Yeah. He can handle himself, I mean they're just a bunch of girls, right?"

Ray: "Maybe like four, five, six pretty girls going all. . ." (Imitates a high pitched feminine tone) "We love you Henry. You smell really great."

(Charlotte pulls out her phone and connects it to the monitor. A video plays in which a very large group of girls are crowded outside Henry's house, banging on the door, screaming and trying to get in.)

Ray: (shocked) "Oh wow. I think that LL Cool Spray might've gone a little overboard."

Charlotte: "A little? What happens if they get in? Wait, I'm getting a phone call from Henry." (She clicks off the video and answers the phone call)

Henry: (sounds extremely panicked) "Charlotte? Charlotte!"

Ray: "Henry, is your shirt okay?"

Charlotte: (alarmed) "Ray?"

Henry: "They ripped it in half. You guys have gotta get me out of here."

Jasper: "Can't you go out the back door?"

Henry: "Oh my gosh, I wonder why I never thought about that, Jasper. There are girls in my backyard, on my front porch, there's about a bunch of 'em trying to break the kitchen window and a couple on my roof."

Ray: "Wow. Maybe the LL Cool Spray went a lot overboard. (To the others) "We have to find a way to get him out."

Charlotte: "Wot only that, we have to get the scent of that crazy perfume off him."

Henry: (still panicking) "I am very open to suggestions. This was a bad idea from the beginning. I should never have spent my savings."

Piper: "Told ya it was a waste of money. Haha! What are you gonna do about all these girls?"

Charlotte: (snaps a finger) "That's it. We have to turn their attention away. Henry, do you still have that shirt on, the one you had on yesterday?"

Henry: "Uhhh, yeah, yeah I do."

Jasper: "You're still wearing a shirt from yesterday?" (Shrugs lazily) "Meh, I wear the same underwear for a whole week."

Charlotte: "Henry, you have to swap your shirt with Piper."

Piper: "WHAT?"

Henry: "Yeah, what?"

Ray: "You call that an idea, Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "All those girls are attracted to Henry only because he's got that scent on him. We, if someone else were to have that scent instead and that someone was a girl, wouldn't make much sense anymore to chase after her now, would it?"

Schwoz: "That's actually a great idea, Charlotte."

Piper: "I am not putting on Henry's stinking shirt."

Henry: "I don't stink, Piper."

Piper: "You do too, have you sniffed you lately?"

Jasper: "Technically, he doesn't stink anymore cause he's got that LL Cool Spray on him." (pauses) "Wait a minute, Ray and I smeared the Cool Spray on ourselves too, why haven't we been mobbed by the ladies yet?"

Ray: "Hey, that's true? Why aren't I reeling in the hot moms?"

Charlotte: "Remember the fizz that blew off in Henry's face?"

Jasper: "Yeah?"

Charlotte: "That was pretty much what reels in the hot moms."

Henry: "so I spent $390 bucks on a bottle where only the fizz mattered?"

Piper: "Haha, told you it was a waste of money!"

Henry: "Why are you even in my phone call right now?"

(The sound of glass smashing is heard over the phone, startling the group followed by defeaning screams and the line goes dead)

Schwoz: "What was that?"

Charlotte: "Oh my God, I think they got in."

Ray: (rushes over to the monitor) "Henry? Henry, what's happening? Henry?"

(Silence. They stare at one another and the scene closes)

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