DAY 02

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DAY 02 — 9:05 AM
•jujutsu high•

As if on a schedule of your own creation, you head out to class 5 minutes late as you did the previous day. And as if on cue, you met Satoru's gaze as he walked out of the boys dorm hallway.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty~," he teased you as your gazes met. He smirked as he noticed the irritation that new nickname gave you.

"If you ever call me that again I'll-"

"You'll what?" Satoru asked, as he instantaneously appeared behind you. This caught you off guard, reflexively jumping away for distance. "You can't touch me Y/n, remember~?"

"Watch your words, blue eyes," you growl at the boy. "You may end up choking on them."

He laughed, which irritated you more. "What's so funny?"

"Blue eyes... I do like that." He smirked, tilting his glasses down to give you a better look. "Are my eyes really that entrancing?"

You are caught in a momentary gaze before quickly tilting your head away, embarrassed. "There's nothing special about your eyes," you muttered under your breath.

"Oh?" Satoru asked, his face a little to close to yours for comfort. "Look again."

You keep your head tilted to the side. "What the hell are you trying to prove?"

"It's a hint towards another one of my abilities, princess~," he teased. "I'll only show you once, so you better look carefully."

You let out a small sigh of uncertainty, tilting your head back to gaze in Satoru's eyes once more. The more you stared... there was something there, you were sure of it. Something was encapsulating his bright blue eyes. As you tried to figure it out, you found yourself becoming more and more lost.

"Y/n?" His voice softly called, as your features slowly melted in his gaze. You gave him no response, as you were only interested in solving the mysteries posed by his blue eyes.

"You're awfully close," he smirked. The realization hit you. You were so lost in trying to figure out what was with his eyes, you didn't notice you had been slowly getting closer to him. So close, in fact, your lips were only a few centimetres apart.

Your face became entirely red as you quickly shot your head back. "You tricked me, didn't you-!"

He let out a soft chuckle. "No, there really is something with my eyes. But I'm glad you found them that beautiful enough to stare for so long~," he teased, "Your eyes were a treat to glance into as well."

You crossed your arms, grunting in annoyance. "So are you going to tell me now?"

"Nope~!" Satoru responded almost instantly.

"Hey but you pro-"

"I said I'd show you them once. I never said I'd tell you anything," Satoru smiled, turning to walk to class. "We're already late for class. Best not to keep Yaga-Sensei waiting any longer."

"Hold on, blue eyes," you hiss, as you try to grab onto Satoru's shoulder, but are stopped by his infinity. "I'm not leaving without answers."

"Since you called me blue eyes again, I'll give you another look," he smirked, brushing your hand off his shoulder. "Meet me at the front of the school whenever."

You furrow your brow. "No time? Just whenever?"

He nods. "Did I stutter?"

"Do you just like... camp out at the front of the school all day?" You questioned him.

𝕋𝔼ℕ  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO x READER | SUGURU GETO x READERWhere stories live. Discover now