DAY 04

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DAY 04 - 9:09 AM
•jujutsu high•

"I made it-!" You gasp for air as you bust through the classroom door. 9:09 AM on the dot.

Yaga-Sensei let off a deep disappointed sigh. "Though you're here before 9:10... you are still 9 minutes late to class."

"Sorry sensei," you mutter, turning your head to face the ground. "This time I didn't sleep in though!"

Yaga-Sensei raised his brow at your revelation... one that seemed more surprising than it probably should have been. "Oh? Why are you late then?"

A soft blush coated your cheeks as you lifted something that had been dangling from your arms... it was a rather large box with a handle and a dispenser on the side. "I thought... maybe it would be nice if I brought in coffee for the whole class."

Yaga-Sensei was pleasantly surprised by the gesture of his student. In the short time he's known you, he just assumed you were self-centred like the other two knuckle-headed strongests. Knowing you already thought about the rest of the class reassured him the future of Jujutsu Sorcerers was safe, from you at least.

You placed the heavy box at the front of the class, Shoko catching on right away. She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively in your direction as you signal to her her imposing death if she dare speak a word.

Your eyes briefly meet Satoru's which were... cold to say the least. It wasn't an expression you were used to seeing on his face, one that irked you nonetheless. You couldn't help but feel you did something wrong, but before you could call out to him he looked away.

Nonetheless, another voice interrupted your observations."Ah, thank you Y/n," Suguru smiled, as his body brushed up against yours to get some coffee. "I really needed this today."

"No, no," you gesture your hands downwards, "sit down, Suguru. I can prepare you a cup myself. One cream, right?" You glance up at the boy who seemed to be pleasantly surprised by the whole ordeal.

He softly nodded back. "One cream." He confirmed, turning to sit back at his desk before adding, "Actually, can you add one sugar to that too? I think I have a bit of a sweet tooth this morning."

You exchange a smile to the boy. "One cream, one sugar coming right up!"

You got everyone else's orders in, except for Satoru who was... unresponsive. You shook the odd behaviour out of your head as you delivered a 2 milk coffee for Yaga-Sensei, a black coffee for Shoko and finally... 1 cream 1 sugar for Suguru.

"Again, thank you for doing this for us. It must've been tough for you to get up early enough to get this all organized!" Suguru chuckled, as he placed his hand around your waist.

"It was nothing, really," you sheepishly respond, scratching the back of your head. Though you were seated, you remembered there was something you had yet to do.

You softly left Geto's embrace, moving back to the front of the room to grab a small bag. Pouring another cup of coffee, you grab all of the packets of sugar you could possibly carry with the remaining space in your hand. With the additional goodies in hand, you finally make your way to the back of the classroom where Satoru had been silently sitting this whole time.

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