DAY 05

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DAY 05 - 8:57 AM
•jujutsu high•

"Y/n, you're awfully early this morning," Yaga-Sensei commented. You seemed to be the first one in class.

"I guess sometimes people can change," you scoffed, grasping your head. "But I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep. My heads been killing me so I was hoping to catch Shoko early to see if she had anything,"

"So that's the motive." A soft sigh parted Yaga's lips as he looked up towards you. "I heard about the mission yesterday, my apologies for sending the class. There was an error in the mission descriptions, which led to you four being thrown into 3 special grades."

"It's no big deal, we could handle it either way," you hummed confidently, despite still holding onto your pained head. "Though I don't remember much. At the end of the day, we got out mostly uninjured anyways."

Just as you were finishing up your remark, you saw Shoko had walked into class. "Good morning Yaga Sens—" she paused as her gaze shifted onto you. "Y/n? You're here early. I didn't expect you'd show up early today of all days."

What was that supposed to mean? "Do you have anything for a headache by chance, Shoko?" You asked the girl, as your eyes twitched from a brief moment of pain. Still grasping into your head, you tried to shake it off.

Nonetheless, Shoko raised her eyebrow. "I figured you'd ask for something. I brought it just for you." Tossing you a bottle, you were able to conclude they were pain killers from the bottle.

"Thanks, Shoko," you muttered as you started to unscrew it. "Actually, I forgot to ask. Did you look at my wounds yesterday? I don't remember much..."

"That explains why you came to class," Shoko chuckled, "Yes, I did."

You pressed your lips together in confusion. "Why wouldn't I come to class?"

Shoko only raised her eyebrows in her response. "You're a lightweight, aren't you?"

It took you a moment to digest what she'd asked you before your eyes had widened in realization.

"Shoko... w-what's the damage.."

She took a moment to think as she rested her head on her hand pensively. "Well, you called Satoru cute, said that you'd fuck Suguru, and then-"

Before she could conclude, she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. "Good morning Yaga-Sens-" Before the male could conclude his greeting, his eyes darted towards you. "You're here awfully early."

"S-Sugaru!" You nervously exclaimed, "Good morning!"

Suguru sat down next to you as usual, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Why are you so tense this morning? Are you still in pain?" He asked, investigating your body.

"I'm... I've just a bit of a headache, that's all," you exhale, grabbing a pill out of the bottle Shoko gave you. You swallowed it with a bit of water.

"I see. If there's anything you need me to get for you, please don't hesitate to ask," he smiled, as you slowly rested your head into his chest. Yes... this was normal. Nothing happened. Shoko was probably just lying to you to see what type of reaction you'd-

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