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DAY ?? - ???

You sat down at the cafe at a table for two alone. In front of you was a menu and your usual order - two creams and two sugars. You felt a bit nostalgic today so you decided to come here. It's been a while since you've had coffee, after all. Ever since Suguru went off the deep end you haven't gone out much, hell it's been a while since you've been accompanied by anyone. After you shut yourself away from the world, you nearly forgot how nice it felt to surround yourself with friends. Nonetheless, even now you wouldn't be gifted with the feeling despite having a guest. A presence so familiar yet so foreign stood hidden.

"Suguru, you can come out now."

"You knew I was here?" A familiar figure smirked from behind you. Suguru. "Your perception skills have improved, that's for sure." Resting his hands on your shoulders, you couldn't help but shiver from the touch. His hands were so cold.

Though you wanted to stand up and leap into his arms, you refrained yourself. This wasn't the Suguru you knew. "Suguru, is everything true about you? Did you... kill that entire village and your parents?"

Suguru nodded. "It's all true."

"Why the hell would you do that?!" You turned around, sucker punching him right in the jaw. Due to your rash movements, your coffee spilt on the floor. Suguru held onto his cheek over the place of impact. "Why the hell would you send me a breakup message and then pull that stunt...?" Though you desperately tried to keep your composure, you couldn't help but begin to tremble. To break up with you over text was one thing, but killing an entire village? You couldn't help but feel the guilt pile up on you. After all, it was all your fault for not seeing the warning signs.

"It's all for your own good, Y/n. You deserve your happily ever after-"

"And you're leaving me behind to do it?" You hissed, tightly grabbing onto his windbreaker. "I don't need a saviour Suguru. I need you!"

Suguru bit his lip, looking down at the spilt coffee on the floor. Even he couldn't ignore the rising tension. "Perhaps we should take a seat. I'll order you a new coffee."

Collecting yourself, you nodded at the boy's suggestion. To sit down and have a coffee like old times. Though even calling it old times hurt you. It was only a few days ago you sat at this very same table as a couple.

"Suguru, please..." you pleased, extending your hands to the center of the table. "Come back, I'll make sure you can- I-it's not too late for you! We can blame it on some curses. Hell, even if you can't come back let's run away together. No more jujutsu bullshit to deal with, just you me and the world. How does that sound?" Desperation stained your eyes. "Please..."

"Y/n..." Suguru muttered, moving his hands to the centre of the table to hold onto yours. "You and I both know that's impossible." Sighing, the male couldn't bring himself to look into your eyes. "All I want is for you to live a safe and happy life. When I thought you died, I-"

"But I didn't die, Suguru!" You pleaded, firmly grasping his hands. "I'm alive. We're alive... Satoru dealt with Fushiguro, and he's only gotten stronger since. The jujutsu world doesn't need us anymore. If we leave it up to him, we'll be fine."

"But if there was nothing to worry about, we wouldn't need to leave it up to him Y/n." The curse user sighed, moving his hands back closer to him. "We'd have so many friends we'd be burdening if you left."

𝕋𝔼ℕ  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO x READER | SUGURU GETO x READERWhere stories live. Discover now