DAY 09

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/AN: if you've already read Day 9 part one, skip to DAY 09 - 4:24 PM/

DAY 09 - 8:45 AM
•your room•

You couldn't fall back asleep. Maybe it was some sort of destiny, or perhaps it was fate inclining you to show up to class on time today? Whatever the reason, it was too early for you to think much on it. Letting off a soft sigh, you got dressed to head out of your room. Much to your surprise...


He was exiting his room at the same time as you. That's right, he was also your neighbour. When did he have a chance to move in? You didn't see him move anything, but then again you did have Satoru do most of the moving for you while you sat on your bed basking in his struggles.

Your call prompted the boy to turn his gaze on you before shifting it away. Bearing a weak smile, he only gave you small greeting. "I'm glad you're well, Y/n." There was an obvious tension in the air, a tension that would only persist as he increased his pace to class.

But before he could get far, you called out to him. "Suguru, wait. I'm sorry... I overreacted."

This seemed to halt the brown eyed boy in his tracks. He was conflicted about this decision, but turned around to face you anyways. "You didn't overreact, Y/n. I hurt you, so you have every right to want to keep away from me."

"-But I don't want that, Suguru!" You interjected as your lip quivered. Clenching your teeth in frustration, you took a few steps forward to grab onto his uniform sleeve. "I just want to talk."

Suguru panicked. He didn't know what to do, so the boy stood silently as you continued. "I appreciate that you're giving me space, but there's something I want to ask you. Were the moments we shared together real or were they just apart of the game?"

You let a pause ring in the air momentarily as the question sunk in, before continuing. "I ju-"

But Suguru didn't let you finish. Before you could continue your thought, Suguru's lips roughly caressed yours, the surprise leaving you defenceless as he entered with no resistance. Slowly breaking away from the kiss, his thumb gently grazed your cheek.  "Did that feel real to you?"

Your face was red as you gazed into his espresso eyes. "S-Sugaru..."

Suguru quickly caught onto his mistake, realizing he may of taken it too far. He let go of you instantaneously. "I-I'm sorry..." he attempted to save the moment by clearing his throat. "I just express myself better through actions than words. If you don't like me that way it's f-"

But you cut him off with a kiss of your own, softening his worried gaze.

"Suguru... I do really love you," you looked up at him as you broke away, letting the words leave your lips in a whisper.

He brushed your bangs to the side of your face as a genuine smile tugged his lips. "I really love you too."

And so you both held onto each other. "Can we be normal again?" You ask him, looking into his eyes. "No games, just... us."

"That's more than I deserve, Y/n." The brown eyed boy rested his forehead on yours as a moment of silence filled the air. "Care if I treat you to some coffee later today? It wouldn't be fair to you if I didn't do anything to make up for my stupidness."

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