DAY 06

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DAY 06 - 11:27 AM
•your room•

Knock knock.

"Ugh..." you groaned, slowly opening your eyes to the sight of a certain white haired sorcerer buried into your chest.

Knock knock.

"Hello? Y/n?" Someone called from outside of your door. It was Shoko. "Are you ok? I've come to check on your healing progress."

You sat in your bed, your eyes half lidded as you slowly woke up. Shoko...? It only took a moment longer for your eyes to shoot open in realization. Shit-

"Good morning, sleeping beauty~," Satoru hummed, his eyes slowly opening, noticing your panicked state.

You took a double take around your room before looking down at the male. "J-just hide-!" you growled, throwing the covers over him. Quickly fastening your bra, you put on a random shirt lying around on the ground. Satoru's shirt.

The white haired male poked his head out from under your blankets. "Why do I need to hide?"

Knock knock.

"Just do it!"

"I'm coming in, Y/n." Shoko warned as the sliding door would slowly open.

"Wait can't you just tele-" you quickly shut up as you heard Shoko enter, frantically pulling at the covers to hide Satoru's head once more.

Sitting up in your bed, you acted out a yawn as you made eye contact with your classmate.
"Shoko, good morning!"

She squints at the pile of blankets next to you, before shifting her gaze back up. "You have more blankets in here than usual. Were you cold?"

You nodded frantically. "Yes, I was very cold," you repeated. "Very very cold."

You heard a slight giggle come from underneath the bedsheets. You kicked it forcefully.

Shoko raised her eyebrows. "Sure...."

She continued to walk into your room with a few of her medical supplies in hand. "How has your injuries been holding up? Anything painful?"

You nodded. "I had a bit of pain last night, but I was able to deal with it."

"I... see. Do you mind standing up so I can take a look?" Shoko asked, investigating your dishevelled appearance. You nodded as you slowly got up from your bedside, standing up for Shoko to have a full view.

"And, one last thing..." Shoko interjected, looking over your shoulder to the lump of blankets behind you. "Satoru, you can come out if you like."

Your face went entirely red as Satoru poked his head out from under the blanket pile. "But it's so comfy under here!"

"S-so you knew..." you gulped at Shoko, looking away from her.

"I could hear you both from the door, Y/n." Shoko sighed, rolling her eyes. "Didn't I warn you about th-"

"We didn't do anything like that, Shoko!" You tried to interject, but it seemed to be in vain.

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