DAY 08

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DAY 08 - 9:12 AM
•jujutsu high•

"It seems Y/n is late for class again," Yaga-sensei sighed as he crossed his arms. "It's 9:12. I already warned her about showing up past 9:10."

But Yaga's disappointment would soon be interrupted as a figure approached the door of the classroom. "Sorry for disturbing you, Yaga-s-san," the figure gulped. He was a nervous tall male clad in business attire, a first year at Jujutsu Tech.

"What is it, Ijichi?" Yaga-Sensei was not impressed with the disruption, but allowed Ijichi to step inside. The tall male walked up to the front of the classroom to whisper something into Yaga's ear. Whatever information was exchanged, Yaga's mood flipped at an instant, from annoyance to what seemed to be shock.

"Thank you for letting me know..." He muttered, dismissing the boy from the class. Yaga-Sensei held his head as he plopped in his seat at the front of the classroom. Something was up.

"Sensei, is everything ok?" Shoko asked concerned about his sudden mood shift. "Are you feeling well?"

"We're going to start class now," Yaga sighed, turning his head to gaze down at his desk.

"But shouldn't we wait for Y/n?" Shoko questioned, a line that seemed to leave an unsettling atmosphere in the room from both of the boys and Yaga-Sensei.

"There's no need."

This response caught her off guard. "Why?" As she continued to press further on the matter, she could tell something was up. Yaga sensei slowly stood up, and turned to start writing today's lesson on the board.

Ignoring Shoko's question... this was unlike him. Suguru squinted at the male, interrupting "I would also like to know why we aren't waiting for Y/n."

All he responded with was "I can't tell you."

This only set off Suguru and Shoko more. "Sensei, why can't you tell us? Where's Y/n?" Whereas Satoru sat at the back of the class watching the  situation unfold before him. He didn't have the energy to interject today.

"She won't be attending class today. That is all you need to know." Yaga-Sensei muttered coldly without sparing a second to glance back at the class.

Suguru's expression only darkened as he swiftly stood from his seat. "I'm gonna go check on Y/n."

"Suguru, sit down." Yaga-Sensei interjected his attempts as he dropped a piece of chalk on the chalkboard tray. "You won't find her in the school."

"I won't find her in the school?" The brown haired boy took a moment to sit down in his seat once more. With his eyes widening, he continued his line of question. "Was she sent back to Kyoto?"

Yaga-Sensei did not give the boy a straight answer. But he did huff out a comment. "After this they may."

"After what?" Shoko interrupted with more peristance. "Did she do something?" After she left you yesterday, you were in a troubled state. Did that push you to do something?

"We need to get back to wor-"

"Sensei." The white haired boy who was silent at the back of the room finally decided to join the conversation. As his icy blue gaze shifted to the front of the classroom, the words harshly left his lips. "Where did Y/n go?"

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