Chapter 13

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**Authors note: Well hello there readers! I know we said that we weren't going to continue with the story anymore, but I (Liv) have managed to find some free time and decided to keep the story going as people were asking for more chapters and that means a lot to us to know that people enjoy the story. However, it may not be updated as regular but when it gets to summer it will be updated as often as before. So with that, I hope you guys enjoy Chapter 13 and let us know what you think! Thank you xx**

It felt like I had been waiting for Kate forever, my hair was damp from the rain that had just gently started to fall, and my heart was in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe what I had just done, how could I do that to Maddie? 

Finally, I saw Kate's car turn around the corner, I quickly shot up and ran to the passenger side, I quickly opened the door and jumped in the seat.

"Jersey are you okay? You look terrible"

I turned to look at her and we exchanged glances.

"Sorry. Well, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just um..I-"

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I mean I-"

"I kissed Zayn"

"What?!" she turned off the radio and the worried expression placed upon her faced suddenly went blank.

"I didn't mean to, I was upset and he was comforting me and I didn't know what I was doing and, oh my god I'm such an idiot" I shoved my face into my hands and exhaled loudly.

"Is this because of Niall, and Harry?"

"I guess so, I just feel so guilty and hurt. I said some pretty awful things to Harry before we drove to the hospital, but I just can't believe that he would want to hurt Niall that badly. And I haven't even had to chance to properly speak to Niall, yet everytime I look at him I just feel abandoned and heartbroken allover again"

"What happened with you two, you and Niall?" I could see the confusion on her face.

"Its a long story, I'll tell you about it another day. Are you okay to drop me off at home?"

"Sure, you're not coming back to the dorm?"

"No, I'm just gonna stay at home for a little while, I think I just need some time to clear my head"

She turned and smiled gently at me, adjusting her glasses.

"You know, I'm always here to talk. Don't push yourself away from everyone Jers"

"I know, I know, thank you Kate"

We exchanged smiles and she focused her eyes back on the road. I know that pushing myself away from everyone won't help, but right now that seems like the best thing to do.

The rest of the car ride was mostly silent, apart from Kate's John Mayer CD playing quietly in the background.

"Your house is a left turn here, right?" 

"Yeah, number 23"

"Got it"

She parked the car outside my house, and turned off the engine. 

"Thank you Kate, for tonight, it really means a lot"

She smiled gently, nodding her head. I opened the passenger door but before I got out of the car I felt her grab my hand.


"Yeah?" I turned to face her.

"You know, you're not as alone as you think you are"

We exchanged glances and I smiled forcefully.

"So I'll see you on Monday or something?" I quickly shut the car door and watched the smile on her face wash away. She then started up the engine and waved goodbye as she drove down the road.


It had been 3 days now, and I still hadn't left my room or spoken to anybody. Apart from the times my Mom barged in my room questioning why I wasn't going to my classes along offering me hot chocolate, soup or "anything else that I need", 34 times and counting. Despite the missed calls, and un-replied to texts on my phone, I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. I couldn't. I couldn't face going to campus and seeing Maddie without feeling sick to my stomach, or risking that there might be the slight chance of bumping into either Zayn, Harry or even Niall.

I had been doing a lot of reading, even though I couldn't focus and get involved in the stories as much as I used to, which I know is because my mind is on other things. So many things had been running through my mind, how I've betrayed Maddie and jeopardised her relationship with Zayn, how I've hurt Harry by saying those awful things to him that night, and how I've never had to chance to speak to Niall, but I can't even look at him without feeling faint.

I wanted to explain to Maddie what happened, but I know that she would never forgive me for what I did. I wanted to talk to Harry, and apologise for the things I said even though he hurt me for doing what he did. And I just wanted to speak to Niall, I just want an explanation. But I can't, no matter how much I try to avoid the fact, I just feel like they are better off without me, I've caused nothing but trouble since I got here.

I leaned over, and picked up my phone from the side of my bed. As the phone lit up, I read..

* 5 Missed Calls From: Kate *

* 4 Text Messages From: Kate** 7 Missed Calls From: Maddie ** 11 Text Messages From: Maddie ** 5 Texts Messages From: Zayn ** 2 Text Messages From: Louis *

I didn't want to call either Maddie or Kate back, or read any of the text messages. I couldn't.

Suddenly, it all came back. All of the empty feelings, all of the thoughts of betrayal and anger, all of the kaleidoscope of memories, it just all came back.

I threw my phone across the room and screamed helplessly, then throwing myself backwards onto my bed and sighing deeply. I didn't want to think about it, any of it. 

I didn't want to think about the crease that formed in the corner of Harry's mouth whenever he smiled, I didn't want to think about the way Zayn looked at me after I kissed him, and most of all I didn't want to think about Niall, I didn't want to think about the way his hair slightly curls at one side, or the slight tints of green in his eyes.

I ran  my fingers through my hair and caught my reflection in the mirror hung on my closet door. Seriously, I look like I have just rose from the dead and am about to star in Michael Jacksons "Thriller" music video. I decided that it was okay to feel this bad, but looking as bad as I feel is something I can slightly do something about. I sat up from my  bed and walked over to my desk, before I was able to pull out my make up bag from my drawer, my Mom burst through my door.

"Honey, Maddie's downstairs. She really want's to talk to you, should I send her up?"

I swear, my heart had just fallen to the pit of my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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